Chapter 27: Buying stuff for the room

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(Dreams pov)

I get off the plane and grab my bags.

I had made a new friend today and I am happy about it. I get in my car I left at the airport and drive home. When I got home I get into my house and walk upstairs and unpack everything. I go to the computer and look up baby cots and stuff for the baby's room.

I get out of the chair and downstairs. I pick up my keys and wallet. I walk outside shutting and locking the door behind me. I get in the car and drive to a baby shop. I can't believe that I am going shopping for baby things.

I get out of the car and lock it behind me. I walk inside and look around. I go to the cots and look around. I walk to a yellow cot and nod. I walk over to a purple and blue cot and nod. I then walk over to a white cot and nod.

A hear a girl scream and footsteps run up to me. I turn around to be meet with what I believe is one of my fans.

"Oh my god, Dream! I am a huge fan!"

"I can tell" I say 

"Can I get a photo?"

"Yeah sure" I say. I take a photo with the girl and she smiles and looks at her phone.

"I will keep this photo forever and ever!"

"Okay" I say. The girl runs off.

I pull my hood up on my hoodie. I am scared of people running up to me like that. I pick up the 3 boxes and put them in a trolley. I move to the chairs and look at them. I pick a blue and green arm chair and put there box into the trolley.

Thank goodness I put a trailer on my car otherwise all of this wouldn't fit. I grab a few more stuff for the baby room. I walk over to the check out.


"Yeah.." I say. Looks like the check out lady is my fan too.

"I am a huge fan! Can I get a photo please?"

"Yeah" I say. We take a photo and a man check out guy pushes past the girl.

"Come on stop fangirling" 

The guy scans everything and looks at me.

"Card or cash?" 

"Card" I say

"That will be $250 please"

I put my card on the thing and pay for the stuff.

"Thank you hand have a good day Mr Wastaken"

"Thank you" I say. I walk out of the shop then put everything in the trailer.

I strap everything down on the trailer then put the trolley back. 

I get into the car and drive home. 

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