Chapter 68: Bandage

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(Dreams pov)

I have been in the bathroom for a few hours now and I haven't left.

I was cleaning the cut on my arm and try to bandage it but it won't work, I can't bandage things by myself. I hear a knock at the door.

"Unlocked" I say. George walks in and shuts the door behind himself.

"Is everything okay?" George asks. George looks at my arm and walks up to me.

George grabs my arm and looks at it.

"That's a deep cut" George says "How did this happen?"

"When I slipped, I cut myself on the side of the roof" I say "I am fine through really, I just need to bandage it that's all"

"Have you cleaned it?" George asks

"Yeah" I say

"You haven't done it right, come on sit on the bed and I'll clean it right" George says

"What are you a doctor now?" I ask

"No, I used to do it to my little sister when she hurt herself" George says "She was like you, she climbed everything she could see so she cut herself a lot"

"You keep saying was" I say "Did something happen to her?"

"One day she climbed a tree with out no one watching, the she fell onto the road. Me and mum ran outside to make sure she was okay, she said she was okay and when she did a speeding car hit her" George says

"Oh my, George I am so sorry to hear that" I say. I put my hand on George's cheek.

I pull George into a hug and he pulls away giggling a little.

"Clay I a fine, I got over it 2 years ago and I am okay now really" George says

"Mhm righttt so you don't want a hug then" I say

"Okay okay the hug was nice, thank you" George says

"You are very welcome sweetie" I say

"Now come on let me clean your arm then bandage it" George says

"Okay okay calm down sweetie I am getting there, I am old" I say

"Bitch I am older than you so you can't say anything" George says. I laugh a little.

Me and George walk out of the bathroom. I sit down on the bed and George grabs everything he needs. George gets on his knees and I hold my arm out to him. George cleans my arm which sends pain through my body.

"What the fuck is on that towel?!" I say

"It's stuff so your cut doesn't get infected dumb dumb" George says

"It burns!" I yell

"Yeah it will but you will thank me when your cut doesn't get infected" George says. I calm down as George moves the towel away.

George grabs the bandages and carefully wraps my arm up.

"Clay hon can you not go on the roof again?" George asks

"I make no promises" I say

"Okay" George says. George finishes bandaging my arm so he stands up. 

"I'll be with the girls okay? I'll leave you alone right now so you can rest, I don't want you to use your arm" George says

"I am not aloud to use my arm?" I ask

"Yes using snore arm is a no no" George says

"Okay okay" I say "I love you"

"I love you too" George says. George leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

"Hehe I am still gonna use my arm" I say

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