Chapter 108: New friend?

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(Dreams pov)

I hear a knock at the door which makes me stand up from the lounge.

It was now boxing day, The day after Christmas, and George has gone out with his family for a bit with the kids while I was home alone for once in my life but that's okay because my new friend that I met yesterday is coming to my house to do so I won't be alone.

I walk over to the door and open it and the guy was standing there. I open the door the whole way and the guy walks in. I shut the door and lock it.

"So I never got your name" I say

"My name is Zac" The guy says

"Zac, not bad" I say. Zac smiles.

"So where are we going?" Zac says

"Lounge room, play some Xbox or PS4" I say

"Sounds like a plan" Zac says. Me and Zac walk into the lounge room and Zac sits down on the lounge.

I grab the remotes and put a game in. I sit down a far away from Zac.


After a while we finally win the game and Zac moves closer to me.

I hear the door open and I look over at the lounge room door which is open. 

"Were home" 

"Lounge room" I say. I watch as George walks to the door.

George looks at Zac and Zac looks at George. I stand up and so does Zac.

"Zac this is my husband George, George this is Zac my new friend" I say

"Friend" George says "Well then I am George"

"Hello George" Zac says 

"How did you meet my Clay?" George asks

"I was the one who did his ear" Zac says "He walked in and said a big hello and good morning"

"Yes yes Clay is very kind" George says "Umm but I am home now"


"Blob!" I say. I get down on my knees and Willow jumps into my arms.

I stand up and George lightly giggles.

"Zac meet Willow, Mine and George's child" I say "We also have Coral and Tessa as well"

I watch as Coral and Tessa walk over to me and hug onto my legs.

"Dad" Coral says

"Pwpw!" Tessa says 

I kiss Willow on the cheek then kiss Coral and Tessa on the head.

"You guy's are all my baby's" I say

"They are so cute" Zac says. Zac sits on the ground.

"Hey there little one, what's your name?" Zac says. Zac looks at Tessa and Tessa looks at Zac.

Coral looks at Zac.

"That's Twssa" Coral says "Don't wvwn lay onw fwngwr on hwr"

"I am not going to hurt your sister don't worry" Zac stops

"Coral" George says "Clay said that"

"Sorry it's just hard to tell" Zac says 

"Coral is the only one with brown hair it's not that hard" George says 

"George calm down, I didn't really point to who is who" I say 

"Sorry" George says. Zac puts his hand on Tessa's shoulder.

Tessa starts crying and holds tightly onto my leg. George picks Tessa put and calms her down. Zac stands up.

"Sorry" Zac says "My bad, I just thought-"

"Don't" George says. Zac looks down at the ground.

"I think I should leave" Zac says 

"I'll see you another time then" I say. Zac walks over to the door and opens it.

Zac leaves the house shutting the door behind him. I hear the door click lock. George looks at me.

"New friend huh?" George says 

"He's not that bad" I say

"Yeah okay, I just want to make sure that your gonna be okay" George says 

"Your so overprotective" I say

"And your a simp so shut up" George says 

"I am a simp for only you baby" I say. I wink at George who blushes deeply.

I giggle a little and walk back into the lounge room and play Xbox with the girls.  

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