Chapter 137: Taking them home

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(Dreams pov)

I was drawing on my iPad to get the design that the girls made right then I can send them away to get made.

The girls were still drawing and Tessa seems to very much enjoy. I get a message from my phone which makes me jump. The girls look at me which makes me look down at my phone. I put the iPad down and pick up my phone.

Husband GOGY
Hey babe can you bring the girls home then come home yourself please

Is something wrong?

Husband GOGY
It's nothing I just want to spend some more time with the girls and...

Sweetie? what's wrong?

Husband GOGY
I wanna spend time with you like we used to do and and I thought that it would be a good idea to draw with you

Of course sweetie, I will be there soon

Husband GOGY
I love you so much I'll see you soon lovely

I put my phone in my pocket than stand up.

"Come on girls mommy wants us to come home" I say. The girls nod and stand up.

I pick the drawings up from the girls and take the iPad as well. We walk downstairs and out of the building and into the car. I put the stuff in the passenger seat then put the girls in the car. I shut the doors and get into the car.

I pull out of the park and start driving home. I pull up at the house and get the girls out of the car then everything else. I luck the car then knock on the door which makes George open the door.

"Welcome home babe" George says 

"Hey honey" I say. The girls run inside and I walk inside.

I put the stuff on the table while the girls run upstairs. George shuts the door and walks over to me. I turn to face him and George gives me a hug.

"I missed you" George says. I hugs back.

"Your acting like you haven't seen me in a day" I say 

"I just really miss you" George says 

"Your acting odd" I say 

"I am showing you my loveeeee" George says 

"George what are you doing?" I ask

"Showing love" George says 

"This is a odd way to show love sweetie" I say

"Well you know it's been a long time since you know I was thinking-" 

"NO" I say. I knew what he was gonna say.

"No no no Clay that's not what I meant and god no I am having more kids" George says 

"Oh god well that's what I thought you meant, I am sorry for over reacting" I say "What do you mean then?" 

"I meant like do you want to like go on a date or something, I just wanna do something with you" George says 

"Well what do you want to do?" I ask 

"I wanna help you with drawing your merch" George says "I am sorry for acting odd I didn't realize how much time we spend together and when you go I feel like my soul is being pulled away"

I giggle a little.

"Come on then lets get drawing for merch then" I say

"Yes, lets" George says. I garb the stuff in one hand and hold George's hand in the other.

We walk upstairs into my office.  

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