Chapter 47: Dont wake him

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(Georges pov)

Dream walks away and walks into the bed room.

I need to be quiet so I don't wake him. Dream has like super hearing and I need to be quiet so he doesn't wake in a scare or shocked. I look at the baby's to see that they are starting to cry. I pick Willow and Coral up and put them in the play room.

I walk back to Tessa and pick her up, I walk to the play room and put Tessa down as well. I shut the door. I sit down on the ground and watch the baby's. Willow was playing with the blocks again, Coral playing with her Minecraft mobs again and Tessa is just rolling around.

I pick up Tessa and hold her close to me.

"You like rolling don't you?" I say. Tessa giggles and laughs.

Tessa starts squirming and I put her back down, Tessa starts rolling around again which makes me laugh a little. I stand up and go to leave the room when I hear a knock at the door, it must be loud if I can hear it.

I run out of the room shutting the door behind me. I run downstairs and open the door to see Tommy.

"Shh Tommy you have to be quiet" I whisper

"Why?" Tommy asks

"I am trying to let Dream sleep, he didn't sleep last night and the night before" I whisper

"Oh okay" Tommy whispers. Tommy walks inside and I shut/lock the door behind him.

We both walk upstairs and into the play room. I shut the door behind us and Tommy sits on the ground.

"Aw, their crawling now, I missed it" Tommy whispers

"Well 2 of them are" I whisper "Careful of the rolling one"

"Rolling one?" Tommy asks. Tessa rolls into Tommy who jumps and looks down.

"She's not crawling just yet but they are all teething" I say "They are all calm at the moment which is good, I can't wake Dream"

"Well he has like super hearing so he can hear us right now even if we do whisper" Tommy says

"I know" I say "Just don't make any loud noises"

I look at the kids to see Tessa roll over to Willow. I smile and Tessa sits up.

"Can they talk yet?" Tommy asks

"No not yet" I say "Through they should say their first words soon"

"Lets hope" Tommy says. I smile.

Willow crawls over to Coral and hugs her. I make a awe sound and so does Tommy. Willow then crawls over to Tessa and hugs her. I walk over to Willow and pick her up. Willow hugs me and I hug her back.

Tommy takes Willow and Willow hugs him.

"I am taking this child" Tommy says 

"What!?" I say

"She's mine now" Tommy says 

"Fuck off get your own kid" I say. I take Willow off Tommy.

Willow puts her head on my shoulder.

"Nuuuuu!" Tommy says. I put Willow on the ground.

Willow crawls back over to her blocks and starts playing with them again. I look at Tommy who looks at me with a sad face.

"Go get your own kids" I say

"Ughhh but yours are so cuteeee and so lovely, I want them" Tommy says 

"No" I say

"Fineeee" Tommy says 

"Good" I say. 

Me and Tommy both watch the baby's play. 

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