Chapter 145: She does need my help

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(Dreams pov)

It was sunset and the girls were in the backyard just running around.

I am meant to make a playground in the backyard but I have been putting it off for a while now. I was watching them through the glass sliding door in the kitchen. I was holding a hot mug that has hot tea in it.

George was upstairs streaming on the Dream smp with some of the others. I really wasn't watching, I was zoned out and in my own world that was until I heard bloody murder scream. I jump and look out the glass door to see Coral and Tessa on the ground. 

Coral looks at me and nods for me to come over. I put my mug down and run out to the back. Coral and Tessa move to the side to reveal Willow crying and screaming in pain. I look down to see Willow has a huge cut on her leg.

"Daddy! I nwwd your hwlp! it hurts!" Willow says through her tears

"Don't worry blob daddy is here" I say. I pick Willow up and walk inside.

Coral and Tessa shut the back door behind them when they walked inside, they also lock it, smart kids. I put Willow down on the lounge and look at the cut. It was a very bad cut and very deep.

I walk into the bathroom and grab everything I need then walk back to the lounge room. I kneel down on the ground and carefully put some stuff on the towel so it stops the cut from getting infected.

I put the towel on Willows leg and carefully try and clean it as well. Willow screams in pain. 

"Sh sh sh it's okay, Daddy is here and I am going to make it all better" I say

"I am sorry daddy! I won't wvwr say I won't nwwd you again!" Willow says. I move the towel away and look at the cut which seems to still be bleeding.

I look at the towel to see that it was covered in blood.

"Aw dear my baby" I say. I grab another towel and put some stuff on it then put it against Willow's leg again.

Willow screams and starts crying more. Willow wraps her arms around my neck. 

"Don't worry blob everything is gonna be okay" I say. I look at the towel to see that it is now covered in blood.

I move the towel away and pick up the bandages. I bandage Willow's huge cut up many times so that the blood won't leak through every quickly.

"There we are all better" I say. Willow looks down at her leg but holds on to me tighter

"Come on lets get you some pain stuff for you" I say "So stay here and I will get it for you"

Willow nods then lets me go. I leave the room and Coral and Tessa were following me.

"You girls go upstairs to mommy okay?" I say

"Yws dad" Coral says

"Pwpw!" Tessa says. Coral and Tessa both go upstairs to George.

I pull out some pain stuff for kids and pour Willow some.

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