Chapter 126: I've got this

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(Georges pov)

We were unpacking everything well I was, I had unpacked all the girls stuff and Dream has already unpacked all his stuff a while ago.

Dream was the room with me while I was unpacking which I thought was very nice of him. I finish unpacking and walk over to Dream who is sitting on his phone. I tap the top of his phone and Dream puts his phone down and turns it off.

"I am done so if you want we can leave the room?" I ask

"Yeah, lets watch a movie with the girls" Dream says

"Yes lets do that" I say. Me and Dream leave the room but Dream makes sure to pick up his phone on the way out.

We walk downstairs and into the lounge room to see that the girls were already watching finding Dory. Me and Dream both sit on the lounge next to each other and watch the movie with the girls. 

Dream's phone goes off with a notification which makes him pull out his phone. Dream freezes up which makes me look over at his phone. 

"Is that your ex?" I whisper. Dream nods.

I take Dream's phone.

"I want you to leave this to me, I going to play with him a little then I'll get him to fuck off" I whisper

"Okay" Dream whispers. I unlock Dream's phone and go into the messages.

Hey cutie ;) How are you this fine day

I am doing well thanks for asking, I am just watching a movie with my husband and kids at the moment and I would like it if you don't try and text me at the moment 


ffft please don't be like this cutie, you know you wanna talk with me and I am okay with that and I am sure your husband wouldn't mind as well so lets talk, I wish to know more about you since it has been years 


y husband is not fine with it at all in fact he is asking me to get off my phone right now so I am gonna have to text you later, maybe, I probably won't but that doesn't matter you don't mind do you?

Actually I do mind so if you stop talking to me or texting me I am going to do some bad things to you.

I look at Dream who is watching the movie very closely. I look back down at the phone.

Okay that's enough this is Dream's husband talking to you right now and I wish for you to leave my husband alone because we are watching a movie with our lovely children and I wish to spend this time with my husband and kids because I am always out and I wish for the time to be made up so I say a good day to you and a goodbye

I close the app and then turn off Dream's phone and throw it on the top of the lounge. I stand up and sit down close to Dream who holds his arms out. I lay back and my head rests on Dream's chest, Dream puts his arms around me and holds me.

We continue to watch the movie.

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