Chapter 51: Success!

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(Dreams pov)

I half wake up and look around me.

"How was the surgery?"

"It was a Success we fixed his stomach easily"

"Well at least he will be able to eat"


I look up to see the light and a lot of white walls. I look at the doctors who look at me. The doctors walk over to me, he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey bud, you should be still asleep"

I look around, my vision is still a little burry and fuzzy. 

"Hey bud"

I turn my head to the doctor, the doctor sits on the bed. I look up at the night. The doctor shakes my arm and I look at him. The doctor pinches my arm and I don't feel anything.

"It seems your still under the anesthetic"

I look to the right then to the left. I get shaken again and I look at the doctor.

"George came earlier to see you, I can call him back down if you want to see him but he may not come because of the baby's"

I look up at the light again. The doctor shakes me again. I look at him.

"Do you want me to call George?"

I shake my head which makes me dizzy. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

(Georges pov)

I was watching the baby's play in the play room.

I let out a sigh and look at the baby's. Willow looks so much like her father it makes me upset when I see her because her father could be dead or still in surgery or they found something else wrong with him so they have to do another.

I feel a tear roll down my face. I wipe it away knowing Dream would want me to stay strong for the baby's. I look at Willow who is playing with a toy bird, Coral is playing with her Minecraft mob toys again and for once Tessa isn't rolling but is playing tea party with the plush bear that Dream gave her.

I sit down on the ground and Willow crawls over to me and hugs me. I hug Willow back then she pulls away, Willow gives me the toy bird and I take it.

"Thank you Willow this is very nice of you" I say. I kiss Willow on the head and she giggles.

I give her, her toy bird back and she takes it. Willow crawls away from me and over to Tessa. I watch as Tessa and Willow both play tea party with their toys. Coral crawls over to me and lays in my lap. I look down at her.

"Coral why aren't you playing with your sisters?" I ask. Coral looks up at me then curls up on my lap.

"Coral go play with your sisters, mama needs to make a phone call alright" I say. Coral crawls off my lap and over to Willow and Tessa who happily add her to the tea party.

I stand up and leave the room but stand outside the door. I unlock my phone and look at my contacts. My mum doesn't know that I have kids so maybe I should tell her but maybe I should call the hospital and make sure Dream's okay.

I call the hospital.

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