Chapter 107: Christmas

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(Dreams pov)

"Daddy wwkw wp!" 

I open my eyes to see Willow who is sitting on me.

"It's Chrwstmww!" Willow says. I smile and Willow gets off me.

I get out of bed and look at George who is already gone. We walk downstairs where Coral and Tessa are both sitting next to the Christmas tree.

"Where's Mommy?" I ask

"Mommy wwnt owt, hw swid thwt hw nwwdwd tw gw gwt ywur gwft" Willow says 

"Oh well we better wait for Mommy then" I say

"Mwmw swwd ww cwn stwrt wwthowt hwm" Tessa says 

"Well I know for a fact Tessa doesn't lie so lets start then" I say. I sit down next to the girls and grab the first present. 

After minutes and minutes of presents I hear the door open and George walks in. George sits down next to me.

"Done already well I better give you your present then Clay" George says. George hands me a card.

I take the card and opens it to see that it was a card to get my ear pierce. I look at George who smiles.

"Right ear done remember?" George says 

"Oh yes I do remember" I say "Now for you"

I pull out a box and open it. Inside was a half blue and half green necklace. George takes the necklace and puts it on. Tessa crawls over to George and touches his necklace. George picks Tessa up.

"Clay why don't you go get that ear done so we can put a ear ring in it" George says 

"Yeah okay" I say. I stand up and get changed into some clothes.

I walk downstairs and take my keys and wallet. I leave the house and get into the car and drive down to the place. I get out of the car and walk inside. Everyone looks at me and I smile.

"Morning" I say "It's a nice Christmas morning"

The guy who is doing the ear piercing smiles at me.

"Mine just got a lot better now"

I smile then sit down in a chair. After a while the guy calls me over and I sit down in the chair.

"Which ear would you like done?"

"The right one please" I say

"You do know that's the gay ear right?" 

"Yes I do" I say

"Oh so your gay?"

"Yes I am" I say

"I am as well so that's really cool"

"Really?" I say "That's cool" 

"Well maybe me and you should go out for some coffee tomorrow"

"Yeah but I am more tea then coffee so how about you come to my place" I say

"Yeah sure I would like to go to your place, I am free tomorrow"

"I don't have anything planned tomorrow" I say "Here give me your phone I will give you my number"

The guy hands me his phone and I put my number in it. I give him his phone back and he thanks me. He carefully pierces my ear then puts a ear ring in.

"There you go all done"

I stand up then pay the guy then leave. I get into the car and drive home.

I have made a new friend. 

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