Chapter 172: Where to first?

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(Dreams pov)

It was now the next day and I was putting everything in the car like normal.

George was bring the stuff out to me so I could put them into the back of the car. After a few minutes George brings out the last few bags.

"Okay now put the blankets in the back for the girls then put them in the car and don't forget to grab Patches who is in her carry crate" I say

"Yes sir" George says as he puts the blankets in the back then run inside to get the girls

I giggle a second and George looks at me.

"Go on get the girls already" I say

"Okay" George says with a smile and I smile back. George walks inside and I put everything in the back.

I shut the back and George walks out holding Tessa while Willow and Coral are walking out. Willow gets in her car seat and so does Coral. I walk over to Willow and put her seatbelt on and she puts her hand on mine.

I look up at Willow.

"How long are we going for?" Willow asks

"Awhile blob" I say. I watch as George puts Coral's seatbelt on and Tessa's as well.

George runs inside and walks out with Mr bear and Patches. George gives Mr bear to Tessa then puts Patches in the passenger seat. I shut Willow's side door and George shuts Coral's side door. I walk over to the passenger seat and open the door.

"Are you driving or am I driving?" I ask

"Well you have the broken arm and wrist so I am driving" George says 

"Okay" I say. I get into the passenger seat and shut the door.

I put my seatbelt on and I look at George who is also putting his seatbelt on.

"Okay so where to first?" George asks

"Good question" I say. I stop and think what the closet place is from Orlando to another town or city, then the answer pops in my head.

"Winter park" I say

"That doesn't sound like a town" George says

"No its a city, it's only 11 minutes away from Orlando" I say

"Okay well tell me where to go" George says 

"Lets google map it" I say. I pull up google map and look up the city.

I Bluetooth my phone to the car and let the lady tell George where to go. George starts driving and I take George's phone and look at hotels in the city. I let Patches out and she jumps onto my lap and curls up.

I look at hotels that have 1 double or queen bed and a room that has 3 beds in it. I smile when I find a really good one. I call the number and book a room that has the best view. After I book it I hang up and lean back on the chair.

"Who was that?" George asks

"Oh I just booked a hotel room that's all" I say

"How long?" George asks 

"4 days leave on day 5 or we can leave earlier if we please" I say

"Okay cool" George says. George forces on driving.

While I start to slowly fall asleep.    

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