Chapter 182: He's crazy, insane!

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to George leaning over me with his hand on my forehead feeling how warm I am. 

I touch George's hand and he looks down at me.

"Your awake" George says "Your still burning hot through"

I groan and roll over and pull the covers closer to me. 

"You okay?" George asks

"I feel like shit, I just wanna stay warm" I say. George sits down on the bed.

"I can understand that" George says. I roll back over to face George.

"I have something to tell you" I say 

"Of course I am all ears and listening" George says

"When we got dinner here for the first night I meant this guy and we were talking and now he has seen to grown a huge crush on me and seems to be following me around places, he was here just earlier and the day before, I have asked him to leave me alone 3 times now and he hasn't left me alone at all" I say. George blinks a few times and gets off the bed.

"And why haven't you told me sooner?" George asks 

"I only thought it was gonna be a friendship and I didn't know it would get that bad" I say. George lets out a sigh and he sits on the bed.

George grabs my hands and holds them tightly.

"Don't worry if he comes back I will get rid of him" George says 

"Try not to kill him" I say 

"You should know by now I can't make promises like that" George says with a wide smile.

"Please?" I say "I know he's been following me around and shit but he's a human with feelings and a life just like us"

George looks away then looks back at me.

"Okay fine, I promise and you do have a good point" George says 

"Thank you honey" I say "He is crazy and insane" 

"I know I know" George says "Just watch some TV okay?"

"No sleeping pills please?" I ask

"Fine" George says. George hands me my phone and I take it and put it on the bed.

"I want a hug before you leave me here alone in this cold bed with no one by my side" I say 

"Clay I have things to do with the girls I can't lay down with you" George says 

"But but baby I am sick and I need your loveee" I say. George rolls his eyes and giggles lightly.

"I'll be back after I make the girls some afternoon food" George says "They are watching the TV in other room"

"Okay just be fast love" I say "I need you to cuddle with"

"Okay I will try but I do need to spend time with the girls too" George says 

"Yeah I know.." I say 

"Don't be upset" George says 

"I am not upset" I say "I am just sick that's all and I just...Want cuddles because they make me feel better"

"Oh Clay" George says "Your such a baby"

"Hey! What!-"

"But I like that, your my type and will always be my type" George says. I smile and George smiles back.

"Don't worry I won't be long I promise" George says "Maybe"

George walks away and into the other room. I look at the curtains which are open again...It's to bright I want them shut right now I can feel my eyes burning in my head. I see a little head poke up from under the window.

"No" I whisper. I watch as the full head appears, It's the guy.

He smiles at me and I pull the covers over me. I look at my phone and text George.

He's here! He's out the window!

Georgie my love
Who?! Who's here?!

The guy that I was telling you about! He's here outside the window, he's watching me

Georgie my love

h my god

He's crazy! He's insane! Please get rid of him I just wanna watch TV with out him watching me and I wanna cuddle with you without him watching us

Georgie my love

kay okay I am just finishing up the girls right now and I will be on my way to get rid of him okay? just stay strong for a bit like I know you can


kay okay just make sure to come quickly

I put my phone down and look out from under the blanket to see that he was still watching me.

"Please go away" I whisper to myself. I look at the other room to see that George walks out.

George opens the door and walks outside and the guy looks at him. George shuts the door and grabs onto the guy's shirt and drags him away. I stand up and shut the curtains then I lay back down in the bed.

I look at the other room to see Coral walk out of the room and look at me.

"Hey sweetie" I say "Is something wrong?"

"Whwrw's mum?" Coral asks

"He's doing something right now but will be back soon, why what's wrong?" I ask

"Mum said hw was gonna cuddlw with us" Coral says 

"Don't worry he will be back soon I promise" I say 

"Okay" Coral says. Coral walks into the other room then she looks at me.

"I love you dad" Coral says. I smile.

"I love you more sweetie" I say. Coral softly smiles then walks into the darkness of the room.

I giggle a little then watch the TV.

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