Chapter 65: Telling George what happened

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(Dreams pov)

I pull up at the house and get out of the car.

I put all of the stuff I brought in mine and George's room and I hide the ring. George puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.

"What's wrong?" George asks

"Fundy, in the past he has asked me out 5 times and I have said no and today he just randomly kissed me on the cheek" I say "And uh this guy gave me his phone number on a piece of paper and it said 'Text me soon cutie' so yeah that happened today" 

George looks calm but deep down I knew he was going to go off his head.

"So what did you do?" George asks

"I pushed Fundy away and yelled at him saying 'how dare you' and 'you know I am dating George' and for the guy that gave me his phone number I just rolled my eyes and put it in my pocket" I say "You can have it if you want"

"Yes please" George says. I pull the note out of my pocket and give it to George who takes it and looks at me.

"Well Hon I am happy that you told me about this and I am not left un knowing" George says

"Hopefully you don't make the mistake I made by killing the guy" I say "Your not going to kill them are you?"

"I was thinking about it" George says

"No!" I half yell. George looks up at me.

"You don't want to make the same mistake I did" I say. I sit down on the bed and George just looks at me which a blank face.

"You care for them?" George asks

"No" I say "I just don't want you killing someone when you don't need too and remember what you did to me when I killed someone, your going to push me away and the girls away as well because you'll be scared that you will hurt them or something like that"

"Fine I will text them instead to leave you alone but if they push and push to talk to you then I am gonna end up killing them with my bare hands" George says 

"Okay" I say. George picks up my phone and looks through my messages.

(Georges pov)

I look through Dream's messages and find Fundy.

Hello Fundy it's me George you know Clay's boyfriend anyways I heard what you did today and I am not very happy about it at all so please don't do it again and don't even touch him ever again thank you

I get out of the messages and put in the one that, that guy gave him.


Ah you must be that cute boy I gave my number to today anyways the names Kyle

Oh no I am not the cute boy at all I am actually his boyfriend, that cute boy is my cute boy

I can understand why you would pick him but you need to back off dear this one is gonna be mine in the end

Pfffttt please I have had his kids he's gonna end up staying with me in the end so you need to back off so bye bye and don't contact this number again because  I am not afraid to go back on his phone and talk to you again so take this as your first and final warning now bye bye

I give Dream his phone back but he doesn't take it. I put his phone on the bedside table and plug it in the charger. I put my hand on Dream's shoulder.

I leave the room shutting the door behind me.

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