Chapter 146: Check on

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(Dreams pov)

It was night time and everyone is in bed.

I look next to me to see George wasn't there. The girls told George what had happened and George got very mad at me and he started yelling at me for not watching the kids more closely so now he is sleeping in the other room.

I get out of bed and walk out of mine and George's room, I walk down the hall and open the door to Coral's room. I walk inside and look down in the cot. Coral was fast asleep with her blanket off her.

I pull the blanket over Coral and give her, her squid. Coral smiles in her sleep. I leave the room and shut the door behind me. I walk over to another room and open it, I lean against the door frame and shake my head and laugh a bit.

Tessa looks at me and s does Mr bear.

"Come on now bed time" I say. I walk into the room and turn Tessa's night light on.

I walk over to the bed and help Tessa lay down. I pull the blanket over Tessa and kiss her on the forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie" I say

"Nwght pwpw" Tessa says. I look at Tessa who falls asleep quickly.

I leave the room.

"Goodnight Mr bear" I say

"Goodnight Dream" Mr bear says. I shut the door and walk over to the next room.

I open the door and walk in. I walk into the room and over to the co which Willow is laying in. I look down at Willow, I look at her bandages which have some blood leaking through. I sigh and Willow rolls over and opens her eyes.

"Daddy" Willow says 

"Blob, you should be asleep" I say

"You should as wwll" Willow says 

"Yeah will I needed to check on you and the girls" I say

"You don't do it wvwry night so why are you only doing it now?" Willow asks 

"Well blob your hurt so I wanna make sure your okay" I say "I am just worried about you that's all"

"Daddy that's lovwly" Willow says. Willow hugs me and I hug her back.

Willow lays back down in her cot.

"Daddy why wwrw you and mommy fighting? And why is mommy slwwping in a diffwrwnt room?" Willow says 

"Don't worry about it blob okay?" I say 

"Okay" Willow says. I move Willow's leg a bit and look at it.

"I need to change your bandages" I say

"Can you do that in the morning? I wanna slwwp" Willow says 

"I was plaining on doing it in the morning don't worry" I say

"Thanks daddy" Willow says. Willow snuggles into her cot and I pull the blanket over her.

"Good night my blob sleep well and have the best dream's" I say

"Good night daddy" Willow says. I kiss Willow on the forehead and Willow smiles.

Willow falls asleep smiling. I leave the room and shut the door behind me. I walk back to my bedroom.

"Clayyyy honeyyy come over here will you?" George says 

"Umm yeah what's wrong?" I say. I walk over to the spare bedroom door and open it.

George jumps at me and starts attacking me.


I snap my eyes open and look around. I was confused.

I don't know what's real and what's not.

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