Chapter 162: Staying longer

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up and look around to see I was still in the hospital.

I look down at my left arm, which was the arm that was hurting, to see that it was in a cast.

"What the fuck" I say. The doctor walks in the room and up to my bed.

"It seems that you were in so much pain that you didn't know that your arm was also broken but the wrist pain must have taken the pain away"

"Great" I say

"And I am sorry to say this but, I can't let you leave tomorrow your gonna have to stay just for a bit longer"

"I am going to end up murdering you" I say

"Please don't, I am just trying to help you so you can hold the girls and play with them without being in pain or hurt that's all" 

"But I have things I need to do at home" I say

"Dream I know you maybe sick of this bed but you just have to stay just a bit longer that's all"

"Yeah and that little bit longer can save someone's life" I say "I have been a horrible husband to George and I need to make it up to him so I need to get home, I need to tell George that my mind is made up, I wanna be home just please let me go home!"

I start to tear up a bit. The doctor lets out a sigh.

"I wanna go home" I say through my tears. The doctor walks over to my side and rubs my arm.

"I am sorry Dream this is out of my control, I promise I will let George come see you"

"No! I wanna be home and making George some breakfast in bed and trying to be the best husband I can be" I say

"Well Dream you can't cook breakfast because your arm and wrist is broken"

"I don't care! Nothing is gonna stop me, not you and not anyone" I say

"Dream if you don't let your wrist and arm heal you could be put back into the hospital with a worse break and it might be broken so bad we can't fix it"

"Ugh fine" I say "But I am still streaming and playing video games"

"As long as you don't move your arm and work it so much then you should be fine" 

"Ca I play Minecraft?" I ask

"Are you left or right handed?" 

"Right" I say 

"Yeah you should be alright because your hand or arm isn't gonna move that much only your fingers"

"Okay cool" I say "But I am still not happy that I am suck here for a few more days"

"I can understand you would be upset" 

"Good now leave me alone" I say "Seeing you makes me more upset knowing I won't be going home"

"Well uhh about that"

"What" I say 

"I am not aloud to leave until I do a full check up on you"

"I am going to kill you so watch your back" I say

"Please don't really I would leave if I could but I can't so work with me here please?"

"Ugh" I say

"Thanks Dream"

"Whatever" I say. I close my eyes and try not to think about anything.

But one thing does pop up in my mind, Should we move or not? but that's fine because I already have made my choice.   

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