Chapter 88: Cast on arm

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(Tessa's pov)

I slowly open my eyes to see I was in a room with papa sitting on the bed with his face in his hands.

"Pwpw?" I say softly. Papa looks up at me and smiles.

Papa's face is wet under his eyes. I try to move but papa holds me still.

"Don't move baby" Papa says "They still have to do something with your arm okay? They just want on a little break then they will be back"

I don't wanna look at my arm because I know there are bandages on it but what else do they need to put on my arm? Is it not fixed yet?. I turn my head to the side and papa gives me a little sad face.

"Your arm isn't fully fixed yet they just need to do one more thing I promise but sadly you won't be able to use your arm until the time is right" Papa says

"Mr bwwr" I say

"Mr bear is right here" Papa says. Papa looks down next to me which makes me look down as well.

Mr bear is laying right next to me. Papa lets out a soft sigh and I look at him.

"Mwmw" I say

"Mama and your older sisters are at home, they will be up later to make sure that you are okay" Papa says "Don't worry they are safe and they miss you a lot, they want to make sure that you are okay. They have been very mad that they can't see you just yet"

I nod and pick Mr bear up with my non-sore arm and cuddle him close to me. I hear foot steps walk into the room which makes me look up. Papa stands up and walks over to the man that has odd clothes on.

Papa nods and moves out of the way and the man sits down on the bed.

"Hey there Tessa, I am doctor Michael and I am going to look after you for now on"

I cuddle Mr bear closer and put my face on his head.

"Can I please see your arm?"

I nod softly and Michael carefully grabs my arm.

"Aw you broke your left arm but it seems to be fixed we just need to add one more thing, may I add this thing to help you with your pain and arm?" 

I nod and Michael pulls out this odd thing.

"Now close your eyes"

I close my eyes an wait. I feel something heavy being put on my arm and something around my neck as well. 

"Okay you can open your eyes now"

I open my eyes to see a plain white thing on my arm and this sling thing around my neck. It is very uncomfortable.

"Uncomfortable? yeah that's gonna happen but don't worry you will get used to it now I must take my leave, I will be back later on to see how your going with your new cast"

Michael leaves the room and papa sits on the bed.

"I've had one on my arm as well" Papa says "It will be horrible the first few days but don't worry it will get better"

I nod. I lay down more comfortable on the bed. Papa stands up and pulls the blankets over me then sits back down on the bed.

"Mama and your sister will be here later on, you can sleep for now" Papa says. I yawn and cuddle with Mr bear.

I fall asleep in the first bed I have ever slept in.

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