Chapter 18: Soon has come

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(Dreams pov)

Today was the day my flight home is.

I didn't tell anyone that I am leaving and I lied to everyone that I was okay, I am still not aloud out of my room and I haven't eaten what so ever but that didn't matter. I am going home. My bags were all packed and I have everything that is mine.

I make sure that I have my phone and phone charger. It was night time and everyone is asleep and I made sure everyone is asleep. I didn't want to leave through the front door, because my sister who is sleeping on the lounge tonight, Will wake up.

I open my window and throw my bags out. I jump out the window and close it after I jumped out. I grab my bags and make a run for it. The air port is not to far away meaning could run there before day and before my night flight.

I run to the air port and just make it in time. I show my ticket to the guy and he nods. I put my bags down in the bag area then go onto the plane. I sit in my seat and let out a sigh. I got a plane that I put a wall up to the person next to me.

I look out the window as we take off. I pull the wall up and turn my seat into a bed. It's a 2 hour flight home and I couldn't wait until I get home. I look out the window to see we were in the sky. I smile knowing I will be home soon in my safe and warm house.

I pull the blanket over me and put the pillow behind my head. I turn on the TV and let it play. I yawn and close my eyes. I didn't want to fall asleep but ever since I found out about my new hearing, I can hear everything while I am asleep.

I open my eyes and look back out the window. It was pitch black outside. I look at the time to see it was 10:32 pm which means it will be 12:32 am when I get home and back to my place. I know I shouldn't have gone on a night plane but I couldn't stand to be at that place anymore.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up to the person saying we are about to land.

I look out the window to see my home town. I smile and pull the wall down. I get off the plane and walk over to the bags. I grab my bags and walk out of the air port. I take a cab back home. I got home and take my bags and walk up to the door.

I unlock the door and walk inside. I shut then lock the door behind me. I walk upstairs and unpack everything. I put my charger back in it's place and grab my phone out. I go onto Twitter.

Home sweet home

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