Chapter 58: What did you do?!

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(Georges pov)

It was really late at night and I was sitting on the kitchen stool waiting for Dream to get home well I hope he does.

I hear the door open which makes me look over at the door. I was sitting in the dark but I could see something in the doorway. The light turns on and the door shuts and locks. My eyes hurt a little but I open them and look up.

Dream was covered in blood. I stand up and walk over to Dream.

"C-Clay what happened?!" I say

"Nothing I am fine but he's not" Dream says 

"Clay...What did you do?!" I say

"Kai is no longer going to text you anymore" Dream says 

"Oh my god, you killed him?!" I say

"Yes George I did kill him but I only did it for your shake and for the baby's safety, he tried to find where we live so he could take one of the girls and make you date him so we can get her back I am not losing you or the girls" Dream says 

"That still doesn't mean that killing someone is okay Clay! What if you get put in jail then what will I do?!" I say

"George calm down everything will be okay I promise plus he was a wanted person anyways" Dream says 

"How do you know that?" I ask

"I read his police file" Dream says

"Clay!" I yell

"Did you know that Kai's eye's aren't purple? and his hair is just dyed?" Dream says

"What really? I knew his hair was dyed but he said his eyes are real" I say

"He had contacts on" Dream says

"And that's one thing that I thought was cute about him" I say

"WHAT" Dream yells

"Clay calm down he's gone now plus he wasn't as cute as you" I say

"Cute?" Dream says

"Hot and sexy" George says "Now go have a shower and wash all of that blood off you"

"Okay okay" Dream says "Can I have a kiss?"

"No" I say

"Oh okay" Dream says. Dream walks upstairs and I follow close behind. 

Dream walks into the bedroom bathroom and takes a shower. I get changed into comfy clothes then lay on the bed. The bed dips down and I look over to see Dream shirtless and under the covers.

I look forward and Dream puts his arms around me.

"No" I say. I shake Dream's arms off me and he moves them away.

I hear a sigh and the bed lifts a little. I look at the door to see Dream leaving the room shutting the door behind him. I hear footsteps walk downstairs. I let out a soft sigh. I fall asleep.

(Dream's pov)

I walk downstairs into the lounge room. 

It is clear that George doesn't want me around him at the moment. I lay down on the lounge. I know we have spare rooms but I know George will want time and space so I am going him space so he knows that I am not near him but downstairs.

I sigh and close my eyes then fall asleep. 

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