Chapter 177: Left alone in room 404

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(Dreams pov)

"No I am not going shopping here we will be shopping and end up with a car full of shit we don't need" I say

"That is not true" George says 

"It's so true that it even hurts my brain when you drag me around" I say

"Okay fine I will go with the girls" George says 

"What?" I say 

"I will go shopping with the girls while you stay here" George says. I let out a long sigh.

"Fine" I say "Don't spend to much money through"

"I won't I promise now can I have my card that you took away from me which makes me ask why did you take it away from me?" George asks

"I didn't really 'take it off you' I took it and I keep it in my wallet because we both go shopping or I just go shopping you never go alone so I keep your card safe because I was worried that you were gonna lose it as well" I say

"I don't lose things that easily" George says 

"You do" I say "You really do"

I pull my wallet out of my pocket and take George's card out and I give it to him. George takes the card and puts it in his wallet. I put my wallet back into my pocket.

"Be back before dark at least please" I say "I don't like being alone for long"

"Oh honey we will be back before dark, I am not that type of person to leave for so long" George says. George kisses me on the lips then pulls away.

"I love you" George says 

"I love you too" I say. George leaves with the girls and drives away. 

I walk over to the door and lock it. I let out a sigh and sit down on the bed. I feel alone already. I hear a knock at the hotel door which makes me jump and worry because I didn't invite anyone over and no one knows that we are here.

I walk over to the door and look through the peephole to see it was the guy again!? I duck down and sit in front of the door and lean on it. How did he find me I never told him that I was here. 

"Hey I know your in there, I saw your husband and kids leave and I saw you didn't go with them"

I say nothing trying to make it sound like I wasn't here.

"And I saw you looking through the peephole and I heard you lean against the door"

This guy is crazy!

"What do you want" I say

"Look I just wanted to make sure that you made it home safely that's all" 

"I don't want you here and I don't want to see you, why can't you just leave me alone" I say

"Because I love you and I care for you!"

"Fuck off! I am happily married and I don't need you!" I say 


"" I say


I hear the guy walk away and I let out a sigh. I stand up and walk back over to the bed and sit down. I turn my head to the side and smile knowing I brought my camera to stream. I go through my stuff and pull out the camera.

I turn it on and set it up. I start the stream and post on Twitter that I am starting to stream. I look at the stream from my phone to make sure that everything is okay and so I can read chat. I watch as many people fly in really fast.

"Hey chat" I say. I look up at the camera and smile.

"How have you all been?" I ask. Chat says they are doing fine and most of them are saying it's been a bad day.

"Well I hope that the bad days get better now" I say. I smile which makes chat happy.

Chat starts to ask where I am because some of them don't know but most of them do.

"So for the people that don't know I am actually not in Orlando, me, George and the girls are going around Florida so we can move out of Orlando and away from all the bad stuff" I say "So if you have Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat make sure to follow me or George because we will be posting about our time going around Florida and where we are as well"

Chat is happy that we are moving away and to a new place. Some of chat asks where I am at the moment.

"We are in Winter Park right now" I say "It's really nice and big and it's not far from Orlando but that is the down side because we are close to Orlando"

Some of chat thinks that we should not live at Winter park because we are close to Orlando and the other half of chat says we should stay here. Chat also starts to ask about how I am feeling and how my arm and wrist is going.

"I am fine Chat and my arm is doing good and it's not painful or anything" I say. Chat is happy.

"Now what else do you guy's wanna talk about? I have time on my hands as George and the girls have gone out shopping" I say. Chat laughs a bit.

Chat asks what has been happening with me these days.

"Nothing much really..." I say. Chat starts to worry.

"Chat you don't have anything to worry about I am fine" I say. Chat says they don't believe me.

"Okay well I have been trouble sleeping well I can't really sleep at all but for some reason I have been falling asleep and I don't remember how I have been falling asleep but I have" I say. Chat says that's very odd.

"Yeah it is but I am fine at least I have been sleeping I think" I say "But anyways that doesn't matter, I don't really like talking about myself so what has been happening with you guys these days"

Chat says that some of them having been doing school work, some say they also have a broken arm or leg and some say work has been hard.

"Yeah work can be hard and so can school work and having a broken arm or leg can be hard if you have school work or you know sport and you can't even play" I say. Chat says they agree with me 100% well mostly.

I smile a little then giggle.

"Um lately I have had a guy who has a crush on me almost following me around here and it hasn't been the best so I told him to fuck off today when he found what hotel I was in even through I never told him" I say. Chat cheers me on.

"Thanks chat I know I am the best" I say. I flick my hair which is getting longer and longer each day.

"I think I need a hair cut" I say. Chat says a straight up says no.

"Oh okay no hair cut then" I say "I mean like I like it long and curly but my hair is getting very long sooner or later my hair will be down to my shoulders"

Chat starts laughing and some of them said they are gonna draw that.

"Chat just so you know I love the fanart and if you guys live in the area where we are feel free to like try and meet us like down the street and stuff" I say "Don't be shy, I don't bite at least I don't think I do"

Chat giggles a bit then they go quite. Chat asks me if me and George are planning to have another kid.

"Well chat that's for me and George to talk about and you guy's don't need to worry about it" I say. Chat understands.

I smile and continue to stream for a while.     

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