Chapter 144: Doesn't need help anymore?

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(Dreams pov)

"Willow Willow Willow what are you doing?" I ask

"I am building a house daddy" Willow says

"Honey you made the roof a bit odd do you want me to help you?" I ask

"No daddy I can do it by myswlf" Willow says "I don't nwwd your hwlp anymorw"

 I freeze up and I don't know why. 

"Oh okay" I say. I put the Xbox remote down and walk out of the lounge room.

I walk upstairs into mine and George's room. I shut the door behind me and I sit down on the bed. I felt like doing nothing at all. I lay down and put my face in my pillow. I hear a knock at the door and I don't move a bit.

The door opens then closes. The bed goes down and the person puts their hand on my back.

"Honey are you okay? the girls like said you just stood up and walked away with out saying one word about leaving" George says. I say nothing.

"Honey?" George says. I say nothing.

George shakes me and I say nothing. George lets out a sigh.

"I'll come get you when dinner is here" George says. I say nothing. 

After a few minutes, there is a knock at the door.

"Unlocked..." I say. I wasn't laying down anymore I was sitting on the bed curled up in a ball.

The door opens then the bed moves down. The person puts their hand on my knee.

"Honey, dinner is here" George says 

"I am not hungry..." I say

"Clay honey you need to eat" George says "Come on, tell me what's wrong"

"She doesn't need my help anymore" I mumble

"Who doesn't need your help?" George asks

"Willow" I mumble

"Oh honey of course Willow will need your help she only young and plus she will always need your help sweetie" George says 

"No she doesn't she said so herself" I mumble

"Stop doing this you know she's gonna need your help all the way through her life" George says "Now come downstairs and eat some food"

"I am not hungry" I mumble

"Get downstairs now and eat some food, I spent money on food and your lucky you actually have food unlike most people" George says. George lefts my face up.

"Okay okay I didn't mean to be rude okay? I am sorry" George says "Come on lets just go eat and forget about what I just said"

George stands up and leaves the room. I get off the bed and walk out of the room and shut the door behind me. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I look over at the dinning table to see everyone sitting down eating some kfc.

I walk over to the table and sit down at the end of it with Willow and George on my sides. I start eating and the food is good, I am not much for take out, I usually eat healthy food so I can stay healthy but I do love my fast food and I usually have hot chips when I am on the road.

I let out a sigh and continue to eat.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading I have just broken up with my partner in a very bad and horrible way and I have been having very bad emotions of it, I also have been video games with my friends and it has been helping me. Anyways have a good day or night bye

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