Chapter 138: fight fight fight fight

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(Tessa's pov)

Me, Willow and Coral are in our play room playing with our toys.

"Hwy! That's my toy!" Willow says 

"Nah it's minw ww all know that it's my toy!" Coral says. I look up at them.

I was playing with Mr bear so I don't have this problem because Mr bear is MY toy and no one can take him away from me and if someone every took Mr bear away from me, I would cry then ask for it back because I don't wanna be mean.

"Finw!" Willow says. Willow walks over to me and holds her hand out.

"Can I plwasw havw Mr bwar? I wanna show Coral I don't nwwd that othwr toy and that sharing is nicw" Willow whispers

"Okwy only a lwttlw bwt though" I whisper. I hand Willow Mr bear and she carefully takes it.

Willow turns to Coral and Coral looks at her.

"I don't nwwd that toy, I can just sharw with our sistwr" Willow says. Coral growls and stands up.

Coral runs over to Willow and takes Mr bear off her. I stand up and walk over to Coral.

"Cwn I hwvw Mr bwar bwck plwasw?" I ask. Coral stares at me.

"Givw it back to hwr" Willow says

"Plwasw?" I say. I start to tear up which makes Coral give me a sad face.

"I am sorry littlw sis" Coral says "Hwrw takw Mr bwar" 

Coral hands me Mr bear and I take him. I cuddle Mr bear close then give Coral a hug. Coral hugs bac then after a few minutes I pull away from Coral who also pulls away. I walk back to my spot and sit down.

Willow walks up to Coral and they start yelling at each other. I thought it was funny.

"Fwght fwght fwght fwght fwght" I say. Then it turned unfunny when Willow and Coral start punching and biting each other.

I start crying from seeing them in pain. I stand up and run out of the room and knock on papa's office door. The door opens and mama looks down at me.

"Oh my baby what's wrong?" Mama says. Mama picks me up and moves me back and forward.

Papa walks up next to mama and looks down at me.

"Swstwrs fwghtwng" I say "Bwtwng pwnchwng"

"Aw sweetie it's okay, I am going to go fix it" Mama says. Mama hands me to papa and papa takes me and holds me close.

Mama leaves and walks into the play room and papa walks more into the office and closes the door.

"Everything's gonna be okay sweetie" Papa says. I nod and cuddle close to papa.

Papa is always nice and warm which makes me want to fall asleep every time I am near him. I yawn and papa giggles a little.

"You can sleep sweetie it has been a long day for all of us" Papa says 

"Okwy pwpw" I say. I close my eyes and calm down.

Papa wipes my tears away and I let out another yawn. Papa starts singing to me which makes me open my eyes and look at him. I close my eyes.

I end up falling asleep to the sweet song.  

Hey guys I wanted to let you guys know that I am going away for a week, Monday until Sunday and the place has no Wi-Fi  so when I stop uploading Chapters that's the last time your gonna hear from me in a week. Hope you guys have a good day or night :D

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