Chapter 77: Not the same

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(Dreams pov)

I was playing with the girls while George was working.

I sent the letters out a few days ago so I should be getting a lot of messages very soon which is gonna flood my phone which I am not really gonna be happy abut but that doesn't matter what so ever.

Coral looks at me and I look at her. Coral looks at Willow and both Willow and Coral look at me then look at Tessa. Tessa was playing alone in the corner with Mr bear. Ever since that break in she hasn't been the same and me and George have both noticed it even her sisters have as well.

Willow and Coral both nod and I sand up. I walk over to Tessa and sit down next to her. Tessa looks at me and she hugs me. I hug her back, she pulls away and look down at her tea party with Mr bear.

I go to crawl away but Tessa puts her hand on my arm and I look at her. She wants me to stay and play with her. I look at Willow and Coral who are looking at me, they both nod and I smile then turn bac to Tessa.

Its very lovely to know that Willow and Coral both care about Tessa and want her to be happy and safe. I sit down next to Mr bear and Tessa pours me a fake cup of tea. I smile and take a sip from the cup.

I look over at the door and George walks in.

"Can I take Willow and Coral?" George asks

"Yeah as long as they are happy to go with you that's all" I say. Both Willow and Coral nod and they leave the room with George.

George shuts the door and he walks away with the girls back into his office. I look back at the two.

"Tessa can I have a sip of tea please?" Mr bear asks. Tessa learns over and puts the cup near Mr bears mouth and he fake drinks it.

Tessa puts the cup down and takes a sip out of her cup. I look at Mr bear and back at Tessa.

"Tess sweetie is something wrong?" I ask "You haven't been the same and me, mama and your two sisters are very worried for you"

Tessa looks at the ground and puts her cup down and she looks at me with a little scared look on her face.

"Aw my poor baby" I say. Tessa starts crying and I pull her into a hug.

"It's okay I promise no one will hurt you, don't worry it won't happen again I promise" I say "Plus you have Mr bear right by your side and you know where papa's and mama's room is don't you? You can just come to us and we will keep you safe from anything"

Tessa nods then looks at me. I smile and she pulls away from the hug. I wipe her tears away and she smiles.

"Thwnk yww pwpw" Tessa says

"No need to say thank you" I say. Tessa crawls into my lap and learns her head on my chest.

"I have been teaching her manners" Mr bear says

"You are very welcome to teach her any manners, it's always good to have manners I had to learn manners" I say

"I didn't" Mr bear says "But I will make sure that Tessa has the best manners"

"Thank you" I say

"You are very welcome" Mr bear says. I look down at Tessa who is fast asleep.

"She's sleeping" I say

"That's good, sleep is always good" Mr bear says "I have been trying to tell Tessa that as well" 

"That's good" I say

"Yeah" Mr bear says

"Can I ask" I say

"Sure go on" Mr bear says

"What are you?" I ask

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