Chapter 104: Wrapping presents

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(Dreams pov)

After we got home from what happened at the mall, Me and the girls set up the Christmas tree while George was getting cleaned up from his fight with Mason.

I was walking into Willow's room with her in my arms because it was now her and her sisters bed time but I only do one at the time so I take my time to spend the time they need to fall asleep. I put Willow down in her cot and she looks around.

"Don't worry sweetie, you will be in a bed soon enough just like your younger sister Tessa" I say. After Tessa broke her bone and was sleeping in a bed at the hospital Tessa can now sleep in a bed like a big girl.

I kiss Willow on the forehead and she smiles.

"I lwvw ywu Daddy" Willow says 

"I love you too sweetie" I say. I leave the room making sure the light was turned off when I shut the door.

I then put Coral to bed then Tessa. After I put everyone to bed I grab out some wrapping paper and walk downstairs into the lounge room with all the presents that we need. I sit on the ground and grab the first present.

I hear footsteps walk towards me which makes me look up at the door which is closed. The door opens and George looks down at me. George was crying and he sits down and hugs me from behind.

"Why are you upset?" I ask

"M-My sister died yesterday afternoon" George says. I pull George into a hug and he hugs me back.

"It's okay, everything will be okay" I say. George pulls away and smiles.

"Yeah, I know" George says. I kiss George on the head and he looks at what I am doing.

"Wrapping the presents?" George says 

"Yeah, Christmas is just around the corner when you think about it" I say

"It really is isn't it" George says 

"Yeah it really is" I say

"So have you got me something yet?" George asks

"Yes I have" I say "Which means you can't be here so go go, go watch some TV in our room"

"Aw your no fun" George says 

"I know, I am such a party popper" I say. George leaves the lounge room and shuts the door behind himself.

I turn on the TV and turn on a movie but I really wasn't in the mood for a movie, for some reason I wanna watch a kids TV show but it seems a bit odd for a grown man to watch a kids TV show right? Maybe?

But I honestly don't care but I kinda do care but I don't at the same time. I turn on Adventure time because why not. I turn on the first season and watch it as I wrap the presents. I look down at one of the presents and let out a sigh.

I had gotten my younger sister a present but I am worried that mom and dad won't let her have it but I don't care.

I continue to wrap the presents while watching the TV.

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