Chapter 169: Yes or no

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(Dreams pov)

I walk downstairs to see George in the kitchen making something.

"What you making?" I ask 

"A drink for you my love" George says 

"Awe your so cute" I say. I walk over to George and he looks at me and smiles.

I kiss George on the cheek and he smiles then giggles. I look down at the dishwasher to see it was done. I hear something drop in a drink which makes me look over at George.

"What was that?" I say

"It was nothing don't worry about it, I was just putting a spoon in your cup of tea to stair it around" I say

"You don't do that with tea you do it with coffee" I say 

"Well this tea is special so it's different" George says 

"Hm okay what ever you say sweetie" I say. I open the dishwasher and start unpacking it then reloading it.

George hands me my tea which makes me smile.

"So I was thinking about what you said to me at the hospital about moving out of Orlando and into a different city" I say. George looks at me.

"You have?" George says 

"Yes I have, I spent time in the hospital for a while so I had time to think" I say. I put the cup up to my lips and George pulls it away and puts the tea on the table, I look at George confused.

"I put sleeping pills in your tea so you would sleep tonight...sorry" George says 

"It's fine" I say "But if you want me to sleep then why did you take the cup away?" 

"Because we need to talk about this" George says 

"Okay" I say. George holds my right hand and we walk into the lounge room and sit down on the lounge.

George turns on the tv and puts YouTube on. George looks at me.

"So the girls don't worry about us" George says "Coral worries when she can't hear the tv after she goes to bed because then she thinks something has happened to us"

"I didn't know that Coral worried for us when we don't watch tv after they go to bed" I say

"Well I only figured it out while you were in the hospital" George says "But that doesn't matter now we have to talk and I am going straight to the point"

I blink a few times and George lets out a sigh.

"Yes or no to moving?" George says 

"Yes" I say "Only because I need to get away and that's it"

George smiles a bit then kisses my hand.

"Tessa will be upset just a bit but she should be fine" George says 

"I hope" I say 

"Don't hope just know" George says 

"Well I don't know that's why I hope" I say. George smiles and giggles.

George leaves the room and comes back with a different cup of tea. George hands me the cup and I take a sip from it.

"Thanks honey" I say "It's really good, I always like it when you make my tea..."

I stop when I start to feel sleepy.

"You put sleeping pills in this didn't you?" I ask

"Sorry" George says. I put the cup on the table as my eyes start to slowly close.

I lay down on the lounge and fall asleep.  

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