12|Father Frank, Full of Grace

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The twins woke up still home alone. "Where is everybody?" Carla asked as she walked downstairs."No idea." Carl shrugged as he poured the two of them cereal. "Shouldn't we go looking for them?" Carla asked. "Carly,they'll come back. They're not Frank or Monica." Carl said, taking a bite "yeah. Yeah." Carla claimed down and took a bite of her cereal.

Carla got curious, so she walked outside and to the nearest payphone,digging some quarters that were in her pockets out and put them in and immediately dialed Fiona's number. After two rings, she answered, "Hello?" Fiona's voice asked."Fiona? Where are you?" Carla asked."carly? I'm at the police station. Lip and Ian got arrested for a stolen car. Please stay at the house. I'll be back soon." Fiona quickly explained."Okay." Carla said, and with that, she hung up and ran back home.


A few hours later, Fiona and Debbie came back home along with kev,V,Ethel,and baby Jonah. "Jail? Why didn't you call me?" V asked."Jasmine was there." Debbie said,"Who?" V turned and looked at Debbie,"one of the moms from Deb's school. She was there when the cops called. Gave us a ride." Fiona explained. "You were there all night?" V asked poured Fiona some coffee "till they moved them downtown." Fiona said."What about a lawyer?" V asked, pouring herself coffee. "Gave them a public defender for their first court appearance." Fiona explained "fuck that. We need a real one, not some just-got-out-of-law-school, liberal do-gooder with a 2000-ghetto-kid caseload." V said, walking to put the coffee away.

"She's right. My husband's public defender... never met Clyde before the arraignment... then suggested he plead guilty to child molestation and sexual abuse." Ethel said. Everybody stared at her in confusion "what about Dickie Day? He helped Marty with that arson thing." Kev said."Marty got six years." V said, sitting down.

"Well,Tony says the judge might just release Ian to me. I mean, he doesn't have priors." Fiona explained,"but what about Lip?"  Kev asked."They might charge him as an adult. He's had a couple of scrapes with the cops." Fiona said,"Truancy,shoplifting,drinking,and that fight...where he fractured Cam Matlock's cheekbone." Debbie listed off.

"But no felonies though." Carl said,"Stolen Porsche,you said?" V asked, Fiona nodded."Still no Steve?" V asked,Fiona shook her head and took a drink from her coffee.

Fiona went next door to check if Steve was over there.


The Gallaghers,Kev, and V stood outside the police station when they saw Lip and Lan leave. A smile grew on everyone's faces as they ran over to the brothers. The twins and Debbie hugged Lip, and then they hugged Lan.

"Ah.you guys popped you cherry." Kevin told the brothers."Yeah." Ian said while V laughed."Hey,you guys see my dad in there? " Kev joked making everyone laugh as they walked back home.

Carla sat next to Ian on his bed. "carly, why aren't you ever in your room?" Lip asked, Carla shrugged." It's more quiet when ya'll are asleep than in Debbie's room. " She said as Carl walked in the room."They give you a cavity search?" Carl asked, looking up at Lip."No,we weren't there long enough. It was probably on the menu, though." Lip replied,"Hey. Karen, it's me,uh,call me back when you get this message,all right?" Lip said to the voice-mail.

"See anybody get shanked?" Carla asked Ian."we were cuffed to a bench in a hallway mist of the night,Carla." Ian answered as a knock on the door was heard, then Fiona walked in."Clean towels. You both need showers. You're rank." Fiona said throwing towels at them both.

"I'll go first." Lip said, jumping off his bed and leaving."They take your belts and shoelaces so you wouldn't hang yourselves?" Carl asked."Carl,Carla,go help Veronica with dinner." Fiona ordered."we help with breakfast." Carla told her older sister,"you pulled out cereal bowls. Go." Fiona demanded. The twins sighed, then ran out the room and downstairs to help Veronica with dinner.

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