37| Simple Pleasures

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Carla walked in the bathroom while Fiona and Debbie were in there, too brush her teeth, which she did as quickly as she possibly could while two other girls were hogging the mirror.

Once she was done, she left the bathroom and into her room and changed into jeans and a plane black t-shirt and her black and gray vans. She walked out of her room at the same time Debbie did.

"Where are you going?" Fiona asked Debbie "out." Debbie said "on a Sunday morning?" Carla asked."Are those my boots?" Fiona asked but didn't get an answer from Debbie as she shut the bathroom door.

Carl came out of his room and banged on the door. "Occupied!" Debbie's muffled voice exclaimed."Gotta take a piss." Carl said. "Go away." Debbie said. "Use the downstairs bathroom." Carla told him as she smacked the side of his head.

"It's downstairs." Carl complained. "You're young. You'll live." Fiona said and walked Carl walked into Debbie's room."No. Absolutely not. No more peeing off the balcony." She told him as her and Carla walked downstairs.

Carla poured herself some cereal and sat at the table while Fiona went outside, then came back inside 5 minutes later as Carl came downstairs. Fiona sighs. "There's a toilet right there. Mrs.Babiak doesn't need an anatomy lesson." Fiona told him.

"Please, Mrs.Babiak's got my 18th birthday circled on her calendar." Carl said,"You wish." Carla said as she ate a spoonful of cereal. "Use the toilet like a human." Fiona said. "Can I have Lip's old room?" Carl asked."No."Fiona said."He's at college." Carl mentioned.

"Seriously,cut the shit with the nature whizzing, or you won't live here anymore. That piorgi-eating prune will call the cops. And no, you can't have Lip's old room. He's gonna be home in the summer and for holidays." Fiona said as Debbie came downstairs with Laim in Fiona's heels. "Oh,you going clubbing?" Fiona asked.

"Hanging out with Holly." Debbie explained."You two gonna work the corner?" Carl asked as Carla coughed up a laugh. "Shut up, zit-heads." Debbie told the twins. "At least I got zits, no-pubes, girl." Carl shot back."Okay,enough. Both of you. Cereal. Brother." Fiona ordered

"You think you might be a little over-dressed for Sunday morning at Holly's?" Fiona asked."It's not like we're going to church." Debbie said,"You're watching Liam today,remember?" Fiona mentioned. "I haven't abused Marijuana like the rest of you. So yes,I remember." Debbie sassed.

"I have the Mike thing." Fiona said,"I said my memory's intact."Debbie said as the door opened. "Whoa! Big yellow icy spot on the sidewalk. I almost dropped the dip. Spike must've chewed through his fence again. " Sheila said, walking inside. Carla kicked Carl's leg under the table, getting kicked back in return.

Sheila put the dip on the counter. "My world famous artichoke-jalapeño dip. Eddie loved it. He used to spread it on his waffles." Sheila said. "Thanks,Sheila. That smells great." Fiona said. "Why is she here again?" Carla whispered.

"I don't care. Our laundry's clean." Fiona whispered back. "Any new texts from Ian?" Debbie asked. "Uh, no." Fiona said,"You check your phone this morning?" Debbie asked. "Yes." Fiona said, sniffing the dip Sheila brought.

"It's been almost a week." Debbie mentioned."He'll be back when he's back." Fiona told her. "We should file a missing persons report." Debbie said. "We're not going to the police,okay? He's 17. We don't have to be happy about it,but I trust him." Fiona said.

"No surprise, he ran away from this gulag. It's not like anyone cares a damn if any of us live or die!" Debbie exclaimed and stormed towards the stairs."Liam?" Fiona asked."I heard you the first 300 billion times!" Debbie exclaimed angrily as she stormed upstairs.

"Damn, someone's on their period." Carla said,"You think." Carl said as Carla got up and put her bowl in the sink.


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