120|Location, Location, Location

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Carla covered her face with a pillow as she listened to Mickey's dad, Terry yell Mickey's name over and over again then calling him a faggot. "Mickey,go shut your dad up!" Carla called out. "I am,sorry carls." Mickey said as Carla heard him waked downstairs. "Thank fuck." David said as he rolled over and Carla got off the bed.

After Carla got dressed as told David to get the twins dress and ready for daycare in 20 minutes before she walked downstairs. "Morning Ian,morning lip." Carla said. "Morning Carly." The two brothers say.

Carla poured herself some coffee and made herself toast. "So when you movin' to Milwaukee?" Ian asked. "I don't know." Lip said. "You don't sound very excited about it." Carla said as she sat across from Ian at the table.

"Yeah,well...it is Milwaukee." Lip said. "Free house,though,right?" Ian asked. "Yeah,I mean,it's a nice house. Nice neighborhood. Yard." Lip said. "Well,damn. Jackpot." Carla said as she took a bite into her toast.

"Saw an actual bird house with birds in it. Uh,not drugs. Birds." Lip said as he sat down beside Carla. "Morning." Mickey said,walking into the kitchen. "So,how's your dad?" Ian asked.

"You know,don't think he's gonna be my best man." Mickey said sarcastically as Liam walked down the stairs. "Hey,what's up,punk? Ready for school?" Lip asked.

"Can't go to school until frank signs a form." Liam said. "What form?"
Carla asked. "That says I live here. " Liam said. "Just drop out." Mickey said.

"I can't drop out. I'm ten." Liam said. "Give it to me. I'll sign it." Lip said. "Gotta be a parent." Liam told him. "I can fake Frank's signature." Lip said. "So can I." Ian said. "So can I." Carla agreed.

"Same here." Mickey said. "School says that he has to sign it in person." Liam said. "Well,you know where frank is?"
Ian asked. "Livin' with some lady up in Glencoe. He drives a Rolls Royce." Liam explained.

"Unbelievable!" Lip said. "Oh good for him." Ian said sarcastically. "Anyone want to go with me?" Liam asked. "No." Everyone said. "Hey,hey,you got money for the L?" Lip asked.

"Yeah." Liam nodded. "All right,drop us a pin when you get there so we know you're safe." Lip told Liam. "Got it." Liam said,walking out of the kitchen. "Thanks." Lip said as Liam left the house.

"So you gonna talk to Tami about Milwaukee,or..." Ian asked. "I dunno." Lip said. Milwaukee sucks ass." Mickey said truthfully. "I mean,you should probably tell her how you feel about it,right?" Carla asked and Mickey sat on the other side of her.

Mickey took his gun out of his waistband and set it on the table. "Lip?" Ian asked. "Yeah. Yeah,no,I got it. Thanks." Lip said as he stood up and walked out the backdoor.

"You ever try to get me to move to Milwaukee, I'll fuckin' murder you." Mickey said,making Carla silently laugh.


The twins held onto the back of the dump truck. "You were pretty hard on those real estate people." Carl said. "What's up with the open house thing?" He asked.

"You ask a lot of questions, Gallagher. You know who asks questions? Cops." Vin said. The twins didn't respond to his comment. "Look at this asshole parked in the alley." Vin said as he banged on the side of the truck.

"Yo,hold up!" Vin got off the truck with a crowbar and smashed the car's side mirror. "You a cop,Carl? What about you,Carla?" Vin asked.

"Hell,no." Carl answered for the both of them. "Come on,man." Carl tilted his head slightly. Vin got back on the truck and tapped on it twice.

A couple minutes later and the truck came to a stop as the three hopped off. The twins watched as vin walked up to their boss's car. "What's up,boss?" Vin asked.

The two couldn't hear what Otis had said. Vin jogged back over to the twins. "What's up?" Carl asked. "Otis wants you to bust into that house." Vin told Carl. "And take a shit in the living room."

Carla was surprised by his words. "Why does he need to take a shit in their living room?" She said. "Because Otis told him to. Unless you want to do it." Vin said and Carla immediately shook her head no.

"What if I don't need to take a shit?" Carl asked. "When Otis says take a shit, your only question should be, 'how big?' You wanna prove you're not a cop,shit in the living room." Vin said,handing Carl the crowbar.

"I don't need it." Carl said as he took his gloves off and walked across the street and walked into the gate. Vin and Carla watched as Carl picked the lock of the door then walk inside.

"Where'd he learn to pick locks?" Vin asked. "I taught him when we were 12." Carla said as Vin nodded.

Finally,Carl came out of the house. "It's about time." Vin said as Carl walked up to them.  "Kay,I took a shit in somebody's living room. What the fuck's going on?" Carl asked.

Vin gave Otis a thumbs up and Carla saw Otis nod as they got on the truck. "Let's just say the department of sanitation runs this town." Vin said as he hit the side of the truck.


Yet again,the twins stood in the dark as Rucker's car pulled up. "What you got Gallagher?" He asked. "So sanitation Department's in bed with the real estate developers. Bribe them to either pick up the trash, make the neighborhood look like shit.  That way,they can influence the rent,property value,all of it." Carla said.

"Son of a bitch." Rucker said. "And it's all overseen by this car named Otis." Carl added. "Get it." Rucker said. Carl got in the back while Carla got in the front seat of the car.

"Nice work, Gallagher. Seriously,good stuff." Rucker said as he fist bumped the twins. "So...we're undercover." Carl said. "No. Y-you're an informant." Rucker said. "Call it what you want but we're undercover." Carl said as he and Carla did their handshake.

"You're not undercover." Rucker said. Carl leaned forward in his seat. "I took a shit in somebody's house,sir. So they trust me. They trust us. Pretty sure that makes us undercover." Carl said.

"You're not...undercover." Rucker said slower. "Oh.i gotcha." Carl winked. "No,I don't think you do." Rucker said. "So what now?" Carla asked.

"Bring in the FBI?" Carl asked,making Carla  roll her eyes. "FBI? Hell,no! I want a slice." Rucker said. "Oh. Of what?" Carl asked.

"The money,stupid." Carla flicked Carl's head. "Course. So we're not the good cops?" Carl asked. "Not at all." Rucker said. "But seriously,hey. Nice work. Keep it up. See if we can't get ya good fake I.D.s, maybe waive that minimum wage restriction,get you two in the Academy. You're gonna make one hell of a cop someday,Gallagher."

"Thank you,sir." The twins said in unison. "Proud to be of service." Carl said as Carla shook Rucker's hand then Carl did the same.


Carl and Carla walked home in the dark to find Debbie and Sandy sitting on the porch,smoking a blunt."what are—you're a garbage man now?" Sandy asked as she spotted the twins.

"It's more complicated than that,milk. We're basically an undercover cop." Carl said. "No we're not." Carla shook her head. Debbie laughed soon joined by Sandy.  "Not a very good one." Sandy said.

"Undercover cops don't go around telling people they're undercover cops." Sandy told them. "Laugh all you want,Sandy. It's a lot harder than you think. Never know who you can trust,whether or not they're gonna figure out you're a rat." Carl said.

"Whatever it is,it's stressful. Can hit that?" Carla asked. "Don't you get drug tested?" Debbie asked. "We're undercover—we have to do drugs so they know we're one of 'em." Carl said.

"For that last time—we are not undercover cops." Carla said. "Who,the garbage men?" Debbie asked. "Forget it." Carl said stepping over the girls. "I'm going to bed." He walked inside.

"Give me that." Carla said taking the blunt out of Sandy's hand and taking a few puffs of it before exhaling it then handing the blunt back. Carla said good night then went inside.

When she went upstairs into their room,she saw David and the twins cuddled up on their bed. Carla smiled as she took off her vest and went to take a shower.

Word count:1480
A/n: one last chapter of season 10! Mickey and Ian are getting married next chapter!!

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