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A/n: Before we start this chapter, could you guys go follow my other account, HEY1742

Carla woke up to her phone ringing. She turned over and grabbed her phone to see Carl was calling. "What?" Carla asked once she answered the phone as she rubbed her eye. "I'm outside of David's house." Carl said.

Carla sighed as she sat up. "Why?" She asked. "I gotta get clothes and a new duffel bag. I wanted to see if you wanna tag along." Carl said. "I guess. Let me change real quick I'll be right down." Carla said as Carl hung up.

Carla quickly changed and put her shoes on as she ran downstairs. "Morning." David said. "Monica." Carla said. "Is that your brother outside?" David asked, pointed out the window. "Yeah. I gotta go run some errands with him. I'll be back." Carla explained.

"Okay." David nodded as Carla walked outside. "I thought you weren't going back to school." Carla said. "I just said that so Kassidi would stop acting so crazy." Carl said. "She's clingy. It's what she's dose." Carla shrugged.

"So,why haven't you've been home?" Carl asked. "David's house is way much quieter. I probably won't stay long." Carla said. "Oh,um,you forgot these." Carl said, handing Carla a pill bottle.

"Thanks." Carla said, putting the bottle in her pocket. "Does David know?" Carl asked. "Know what? About me being Bipolar?" Carla asked as she held the door open to Paty's pies for some couple.

"Yeah, about you being bipolar." Carl said as they walked into Paty's. "Uh,I guess it never came up. So,no." Carla said as they walked into the back. "Cocaine or cash?" Sierra asked. "What?" The twins asked simultaneously. "The duffel." Sierra said.

"Oh. Military school uniforms,field supplies... Has Kassi been around here looking for me?" Carl asked as he put the duffel on a chair. "No. Called a couple dozen times,though." Sierra said.

"You can't tell her I was here." Carl told her. "Wanna tell me what's going on?" Sierra asked. "Well,we have to go back to military school tomorrow. Kassidi doesn't want him to." Carla explained.

"Cut up all my old shit with a carpet knife. Had to buy new shit and can't afford to replace it again." Carl added. "Sounds like true love." Sierra said. "It is. And I love her too. But i also love my brothers in 2nd squad,Bravo Platoon, just as much." Carl said.

"I mean,why can't she understand that? You can love two things at once if you're not fucking them both,right? Yeah,make sure no one smokes back here. You get a spark too close to that, and you could take out the whole block." Carl said as the twins walked past Sierra.


Carla slowly opened the backdoor to the Gallagher house. "Anyone in there?" Carl asked quietly. "No." Carla shook her head as she opened the door more, and the twins walked inside. "Go take care of your marriage problems,I gotta grab a few more things." Carla said as they both walked upstairs quietly.

"Where have you been?" Kassidi asked. "Oh,uh...I went out and go you these." Carl said, turning around."Flowers?" Kassidi asked. "For our anniversary." Carl said.

"No, it's not." Kassidi said. "I'm---I'm gonna go." Carla stumbled on her words. "No. Stay put." Kassidi told her before Carla could move. "Two months?" Carl asked.

"No." Kassidi said as she walked towards Carl. "You sure?" Carl asked. "We met one month,eighteen days,six hours, and twelve minutes ago." Kassidi said. "Oh. Well... I woke up thinking about you, so I got you these." Carl told her with a smile.

Kassidi chuckled. "Oh. Wow. How sweet." Kassidi said, taking the flowers and then putting them on a basket. "You know,I've got a little surprise for you too.." Kassidi said.

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