74|Home Sweet Homeless Shelter

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"Come on,buddy. Can't be late." Fiona told Liam. "Day care's for losers." Liam said. "Thank you,Frank." Fiona said as she picked up Liam, then put him down, and gave him his backpack.

"I'm not violent,joyalist. just in a hurry." Fiona said. Debbie stood up and walked towards them. "Her name is Jolayemi." Debbie said. "She can call me what she wants." Jolayemi said as she handed Franny to Debbie.

"You owe me for the week." Jolayemi told Debbie. "Right. I'm sorry. I'm a little short. My internet business had a slowdown due to a lack of inventory,but I'll have it for you tonight." Debbie said.

Jolayemi spoke Nigerian to Debbie. "Okay,thanks. Have a great day." Debbie said as Luther Winslow,Dominique's dad,walked in the kitchen. "Luther,what's up?" Carl asked.

"Sup? Sup is you gave my daughter gonorrhea,you little shit stain. That's what's up." Luther said. Carla covered her mouth in shock. "I did?" Carl asked as Luther pounced at Carl. "Run,Carl!" Debbie exclaimed.

Carl ran upstairs with Luther on his tail. "Carl gave Dom gonorrhea?" Carla asked mostly to herself.


Carla walked next to Ryan as they walked towards the L. "Hey,you okay? You've been quiet." Ryan said. "My brother gave his girlfriend Gonorrhea." Carla said. "Really? Carl?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. He went to the clinic to get checked for it." Carla said as they got onto the L. "Do I need to get tested for gonorrhea?" Ryan asked. "I don't know. You use Condoms when we have sex." Carla said.

Soon,they got to Ryan's house, and they walked inside. "You want something to eat?" Ryan asked. "Uh,no, it's okay. I ate before i left." Carla said. "Okay. Beer?" Ryan asked. Carla nodded as Ryan grabbed two beers and opened them.

Carla sat at the counter next to Ryan as they drank the beers. Ryan watched as Carla's knee bounced up and down. Ryan's eyes moved up to Carla's face, tensed up.

"You still thinking about your brother giving his girlfriend Gonorrhea?" Ryan asked. "Huh? What? No." Carla said. "But I should get home." Carla said as she threw the empty beer bottle away and walked out of the house.

When Carla walked out of the fence, she threw up in the bushes, then she walked, she didn't know where she was going she just walked.

Carla walked inside the Gallagher house and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Ian." She said. "Hey Carla." Ian said as he looked through the cabinets. "Hey, Lip." Carla said as she sat next to him.

"Hey carly." Lip said. "You okay,man?" Lip asked. "Yeah,fine." Ian said. "It's just that you opened that same cabinet,like,three times." Lip said. "I'm thirsty." Ian said.

"So you just try the fridge. Second shelf." Lip told him. Ian opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, and then walked into the living room. Lip got up and followed him while Carla walked upstairs.

Carla sat on her bed and looked around the messy room. After a couple of seconds, she picked up all the diapers and baby clothes. She made both Debbie and her beds and picked everything off the floor.

Carla walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Lip when the door opened. "How do you say sorry to a girl you gave a disease that could kill her? Flowers?" Carl asked after he walked inside.

"You--you have a girl what?" Lip asked. "Gonorrhea." Carl said. "Ah,shit. Do you get antibiotics?" Ian asked. "No,I tested negative,so I don't need 'em." Carl said,"o-okay,bur Dom,she tested positive?" Carla asked. "Mm-hmm." Carl nodded.

"Uh....look buddy, if--if you don't have it,there's no way that you could've given it to her." Lip told him. "I couldn't?" Carl asked. "No,but it means she,uh,got it from....somewhere else." Ian said.

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