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Carla sat beside Liam as they looked at Lip,who had running shorts on.  "What are you wearing?" Liam asked. "Oh,Tami's mom died of cancer,so her family does a five-K things every year." Lip explained as Debbie walked downstairs and into the basement.

"You look sort of ridiculous." Carla commented as the pipes groaned as they turned off. "Everybody looks ridiculous in running shorts." Lip said. "Debbie! Turn my water on!" Fiona yelled from upstairs as Debbie walked out of the basement.

"Hey,did you turn the water off on her?" Lip asked. "Yep." Debbie nodded. "Deb,she carried us for years—you can give her a break." Lip said. "Turn the water back on!" Fiona exclaimed as she walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Once you pay us what you owe is." Debbie told Fiona. "I'm gonna get it to you. I just lost track—" Fiona began. "You owe Carl,Lip,and i $832—" Debbie said as she and Fiona started to shout at one. "Stop. Guys!" Lip exclaimed as there was a knock on the door.

The two girls continue to shout at each other. "The door! Debbie!" Carla exclaimed, trying to get their attention. "If you jad the month I had,you would have lost track,too." Fiona said. "Ooh,my Irish boyfriend left me." Debbie mocked.

"Stop it!" Lip exclaimed. "Go take a flying fuck on a rolling doughnut!" Fiona exclaimed. "What?" Lip and Carla asked at the same time. "Go take a rolling fuck on a flying doughnut!" Debbie exclaimed as Lip and Carla looked at each other, confused.

"Hello?" Ford asked as he walked in the living room. "I come in peace." He said. "Oh,fuck,no." Fiona said as she began to walk towards Ford,making Lip,Carla and Liam stand up and Debbie grab a knife. "I just want my tools back." Ford said.

The five walked into the living room,towards Ford. "What tools?" Fiona asked. "My carpenter tools. They're missing." Ford said,like it was the most obvious thing. "Well,why would i know about that?" Fiona asked.

"Come on,Fiona." Ford sighed. "What,you think I just wandered on to your site and picked them up out of your truck or something?" Fiona questioned. "Maybe." Ford shrugged. "Or maybe I came into your house in the middle of the night, and I watched you sleep for an hour, and then I just took them on my way out." Fiona said,narrowing her eyes.

Ford scoffed solfty. "Do you have them or not?" He asked. "No." Fiona laughed. "You egotistical fuck! I haven't thought about you in weeks!"

"We thought about you,though." Debbie crossed her arms and shifted her weight onto her other foot.  "Guess I'll be going,then." Ford said. "Yeah. Damn straight, you'll be going,'cause next time I won't stop them from beating the shit out of you!" Fiona exclaimed as she followed Ford outside.

Carla,Debbie,and Liam followed them outside. "If my tools happen to turn up,let me know. That's how I make my living." Ford told Fiona. "Oh,if they 'happen to'— Fuck you!" Fiona exclaimed as Ford got in his truck and drove away.

Fiona sighed deeply. "Thanks. Breakfast is on my at Patsy's after I shower." Debbie, stop Fiona from walking up the steps. "Nope. No money,no shower." Fiona turned around. "Oh,Christ." She said as she walked out of the lawn.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked. "To shower at Veronica's." Fiona answered as she walked away. "Oh,here, Debs." Carla said,putting some money into Debbie's hand. "Where'd you get this?" Debbie asked.

"Some of it is David's cut from his job, and half of it is my cut from money I've had hidden." Carla explained as she walked inside.


Carla sat on the couch next to Liam,with her head resting on the back of the couch in boredom as she was practically asleep. "This is depressing. Can I please play video games?" Liam asked, making Carla wake up. "No unnecessary electricity usage between ten and four." Debbie said.

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