57|South Side Rules

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Carla walked downstairs. "Nice face." Mickey said sarcastically. "Fuck you too." Carla smiled sarcastically. "Hey,no caffeine. on your meds." Mickey told Ian, but Ian didn't listen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Carla asked Ian. "Not feeling." Ian said. "That's improvement. At least you're not swinging baseball bats at my head." Carla said. "Stinks in here." Debbie said, walking downstairs. "Yeah,that's 'cause the milk went bad." Mickey said as he poured the expired milk in the sink.

"Nobody put it away?" Debbie asked. "That milk is part of the Gallagher household,of which I am no longer a member,and therefore not responsible." Sammi said. "Then why are you still here?" Debbie asked. "Apartment listing. I'm calling around today." Sammi explained as she held up a piece of paper

"What's up with the water faucet?" Debbie asked. "Guess nobody paid the water bill." Sammi said. "But I took a shower this morning." Carla said. "Lucky you. They must have just shut it off." Sammi said. "Nobody made breakfast?" Debbie asked

"What's it look like?" Mickey asked as Debbie opened the fridge. "What about groceries? When was the last time anyone went shopping?" Debbie asked. "Who melted my spatula?" Sammi asked. Carla suspiciously looked around as she took a drink of the coffee.

"That's fine. Don't claim responsibility. For anything." Sammi said as she threw her spatula in the sink, causing the expired milk to splash Mickey."That's the Gallagher way." Sammi said. "Fuck." Mickey said.

Carla got up and walked into the living room.


"Hey V." Carla said as she walked into the Alibi. "Hey,Carla. What are you doing here?" V asked as Carla sat on the barstool. "It's boring without someone to hang out with." Carla said as V poured a beer in a cup and handed it to her.

"Yeah,I know, Kev is at Lip's College." V said. Carla nodded as she took a drink of the beer. "Damn, 13 years old and already drinking alcohol." Kermit said. Carla flipped him off as She chugged the rest of the beer.

Carla drank four more beers before paying V and leaving and walking home. "Hey Carla,do you have anything you want to send to Carl?" Debbie asked. "No. Not that I can think of." Carla said as she flopped on the couch. "You okay?" Debbie asked.

Carla nodded with her eyes closed. "You sure? You seem depressed or something. Are you depressed?" Debbie asked. "Who's depressed?" Fiona asked, walking downstairs. "No one's depressed." Carla said as she sat up.

"You're not but your drunk." Fiona pointed out. Carla chuckled. "Four beers don't get someone drunk." Carla said. "For a lightweight, it does. Carla, you're thirteen. You shouldn't be drinking." Fiona said. "I'm fine." Carla said as she walked upstairs.

Carla lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.  "Carla?" Debbie asked. "Hmm?" Carla hummed. "You need anything? " Debbie asked. "Water?" Carla asked. "Water's off."  Debbie left. "Oh yeah." Carla said.

Before Debbie got back in the room, Carla had already fallen asleep with her shoes on and everything.


Carla sat on the couch watching TV by herself when Debbie and Derek walked in. "Carla,you're gonna have to sleep in the boys' room tonight." Debbie said with a small explanation as her and Derek walked upstairs.

"Okay." Carla to mostly to herself as she continued to watch TV. An hour later, Mickey and Ian came inside with bloody faces and obviously drunk. Sammi,who has been sitting next to Carla for about a half an hour,stood up.

"Hi,Ian." She said. "Hey. We're going on a date." Ian said. "Fuck,yes,we are. I'm gonna get a steak so rare. It's gonna scream when I bite it. Like..." Mickey said as both him and Ian made moaning noises, which made Carla laugh.

"Listen,listen,Ian,I want you to know you are a really good kid with a big heart. You have some hard times ahead of you,but you're gonna do great." Sammi told Him. "Okay." Ian said, confused. "Gentlemen,this is Ian Gallagher." Sammi said as two Commanding officers walked in.

"I think they're ready to take him to jail now." Sammi said as Carla stood up. "Why,Sammi?" Ian asked as he tried to make a run for it, but the commanding officers already grabbed him. "Get the fuck--get the fuck off him." Mickey exclaimed.

"Get off me,you son of a bitch!" Ian exclaimed and one of the officers threw Mickey off of his partner and held him at gunpoint. "Don't move." The officer said as the other one handcuffed Ian. "You good?" The officer asked.

"Yeah." His partner said as he dragged Ian outside. "Don't move." The officer told Mickey. "You bitch!" Ian yelled as he got taken outside.

Carla ran after Mickey as he went outside and watched the car drive off. "It's a shame when someone you love gets taken away,isn't it?" Sammi asked. "Yeah,first Carl, now Ian? Really? What a real adult move, Sammi." Carla said as she shoved past Sammi and went inside.

Word count: 864
A/n:short chapter

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