60|I Only Miss Her When I'm Breathing

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"Carla, wake up. School." Fiona said, and before Carla could say anything, Fiona walked away. Carla got up and walked downstairs.  "Carla, why aren't you getting ready for school?" Fiona asked. "Don't have it. Out of school suspension for a week." Carla said.

"Right." Fiona said as she closed the fridge to be scared by Frank. "Fuck,Frank!" She exclaimed. "I love you." Frank said. "I just want you to know. I love you. Did I ever tell you about the time I caught an octopus on the reef outside of our hut, and Bianca cooked it on an open fire right on the beach?" Frank asked as he started to cry.

"Yes." Fiona said. "And the funny little sneeze she would do when she was asleep? " Frank added as everyone faked sneezed. "Debs,I love you." Frank said. "Jesus." Debbie said. "I just... I want you to know that." Frank said.

"Go away,Frank." Ian said. "You almost ready to go,Debs? And I guess Carla your gonna have to come too." Fiona said. "I'm eating." Debbie said. "Well,eat faster. We got to drop Liam off at pre-K on the way." Fiona said.

"Has anyone seen my black armband?" Frank asked. "She's dead,Frank." Carla said. "She... Jesus. what's the matter with you people? She was my soul mate." Frank said, grabbing his armband out of the trash.

"She probably killed herself just to get away from you." Debbie said. "Can I borrow 5 bucks?" Frank asked. "No." Fiona said. Frank turned to Carla. "No." Carla said. "Debs?" He asked. "For what?" Debbie asked.

"I want to light a candle for Bianca at the foot of the Blessed..." Frank trailed off. "No." Debbie said. "I hope,someday,you three have the precious gift of feeling what I felt for that beautiful young woman." Frank sobbed.

"And then to have that love stolen cruelly from you by a pitiless God. And then,maybe,just maybe,you'll remember this day and your father's anguish,and you'll be ashamed of the lack of compassion you shower him in his time of need. I love you, my little brown banana." Frank told Liam as he kissed his head.

"And Carla,I love you. I just want you to know." Frank said as he left. "I don't know how much of that I can take before I stab him in the neck with a broken beer bottle." Fiona said. "What are you smiling about?" Fiona asked Debbie.

"I'm happy,can't I be happy?" Debbie asked. "No. Not about this. There's absolutely no reason to be happy about this." Fiona said. "Drugs." Liam said. Fiona turned around. "Are you high?" Fiona asked. "No!" Debbie exclaimed.

Liam opened a switchblade, making Fiona gasp. "Fuck. Where did you get that?" She asked as she took it from him. "From Carl's pillow." Liam told her. "Probably has a pipe bomb stashed in there somewhere,too." Debbie said.

Fiona looked at Carla. "What? You don't keep a switchblade under your pillow?" She asked. Fiona shook off her younger sister's comment. "We should go visit him this weekend." Ian said. "No, thank you." Debbie said.

"Why not?" Fiona asked. "Busy." Debbie said. "Doing what?" Fiona asked. "Living my life away from my degenerate criminal brother who keeps a switchblade under his pillow." Debbie told her. "Go. Work. You can't be late again." Fiona told Ian who groaned.

"You ready,Debs? " Fiona asked as she picked up Liam. "Hey,Debs. Debbie." Fiona said to Debbie, who  turned around, "I love you. I just want you to know I really,really love you." Fiona said as her and Carla laughed while Debbie flipped them off as they walked out the house.


Carla sat next to Fiona as they waited in Planned Parenthood. "Gallagher?" A nurse asked. "Here." Debbie said, standing up along with Fiona and Carla. Debbie handed Fiona her bag as they followed the nurse. "You're coming?" Debbie asked.

"You don't want us to?" Fiona asked. "Not really." Debbie truthfully told her. "Is that okay? She's on 15." Fiona said.  "It's your daughter's choice." The nurse told her. "Sister." Debbie and Fiona said in sync.

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