123|Go home,Gentrifer!

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Carl and Carla took a run around town in their new police shirt and pants. "Watch out,crackheads. Coming back for you later." Carl said as they jogged by a trio of people dealing and smoking drugs.

"Making a mental note of your face,shitbag." Carl said as they saw a guy breaking into a car. "Watch it,ladies. Might haul your asses down the station. Yeah,that's right. You're looking at the po-po. First day on the job." Carl said excitedly.

"Carl,dude,we still have to go through training before we get to do the cool stuff." Carla said. Carl shrugged as the continued to jog.

The twins walked into the house. "5-0!" Lip exclaimed. "Oh,fuck,it's the cops!" He exclaimed. "Hey,I'm unarmed!" Tami teased. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Sandy teased.

"Ha,ha,ha,very funny,assholes. Now if you'll excuse me,i'ma go load these bad boys up with amor-piercing rounds so I can keep the mean streets safe for fuck-heads like you guys." Carl said,grabbing a box of cereal off the counter and walking upstairs.

"Watch out,Chicago!" Carl exclaimed. "You're going down."

"Aren't you gonna go load up those 'bad boys with amor-piercing rounds'?" Lip asked. "I will. After I say good morning to my birthday girl!" Carla exclaimed happily as she picked Franny up.

"So,punk,how old are you? 5,15,50,150?" Carla joked. "5!" Franny exclaimed happily with a wide smiled. "Oh! She's five!" Carla laughed as she tickled her niece,making Franny giggle.

"I got you the best birthday present ever." Carla said as she sat Franny down. Franny kept the wide smile on her face as she watched her aunt walk up the steps.


Carla walked behind Carl as they and another new police officers walked  in a line. They all simultaneously put on their sunglasses.

"Look at those virgins." Tipping said. "This is the freshest meat Ive ever seen." He said as the other officers clapped.

Carla walked up to a female officer whose badge read 'Wade' on it. "Officer Wade. Carla Gallagher." Carla saluted the woman. "I believe I'm your partner."

"You're correct." Officer Aurora Wade nodded as she stuck her hand out for Carla to shake,which she did. "Let's go." Aurora nodded to the car behind her as the two girls got into the police car.

The two girls sat in silence as Aurora drove around town. "I,uh,made a list of what I saw in my neighborhood this morning while I was out on a run." Carla spoke up.

Aurora nodded. "Let's hear it." She said. "Guns,drugs,car theft, assault." Carla read when her phone buzzed.

Carl - my partner literally sucks. Keeps ignoring me and talks about how if you bite a lifesaver in the dark with the back of your teeth it makes a spark. Also asked me if I had kids. Weirdo.

"Oh,looks like tipping singing again." Aurora said as she passed another police car. "Isn't that,uh,Carl's partner?" She glanced over at Carla,who nodded.

"Attention,all officers." The dispatch said over the mic. "Attention,all officers,we have a 312 in progress. 700 blocks of Riverside." The dispatcher said.

"Convenience store robbery. Four suspects armed and dangerous. Any and all officers in the area,please respond." The dispatcher said.

Aurora picked the mic up. "This is Officer Wade, we're on our way." She said before putting the mic down and flipping the lights and sirens on.

Carla smiled as Aurora stepped on the gas's rushed towards the convenience store. "You go after the one in the black I got the one in the red." Aurora said as they got out of the cop car.

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