16|A beautiful mess

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Carla watched a blonde girl chase after Fiona upstairs and back outside. "Jesus Christ." Carla muttered when a knock was at the door. Carla got up and answered it "hey" Avery said. "Hi Avery." Carla said, letting her come in."Sorry about the noise. Debbie's have this daycare thing." Carla explained, shutting the door. "It's okay. I just wanted to see if you weren't ditching me since you didn't come over last week." Avery said, sitting on the couch.

"Oh,no,last time I went over, I got punched in the face by some 14 year old." Carla shrugged and sat next to her."You wanna go hang out with this kid named um...hank?" Avery asked,"Sure." Carla said, standing up.

The two walked over to Hank's house to see that Carl was there.



The twins asked at the same time, "Avery suggested we'd come over here." Carla explained,"Whatever." Carl said as the three walked in the house.

The twins watched as Hank grabbed some whiskey shots and handed them in the three of them. "Guy must travel a lot." Carl said, "Nope. He's a midget. He likes how these make him feel normal." Hank said as Carl laughed. Carla and Avery sat next to Carl. "You know know Hank's kinda cute." Avery whispered. Carla looked at Hank, who was on the phone. "Ew. Maybe for you." Carla said.

Carla opened the whiskey shot and chugged it. "Jeez." Carla whispered after it stung her throat. "Bummer, the guy comes back tomorrow." Carl said as Carla shoved his leg off the couch."Relax,I got more gigs lined up." Hank explained as the door opened.

"Whar was that?" Carla asked as the owner of the house walked in. "What the hell's going on?" The man asked."Shit. You said Thursday." Hank said, standing up as well as the other three standing up. "It is Thursday. You were supposed to bring in the mail and water, you little turd. You're drinking my booze?" The man asked as he chased the four of the out of the house.

Carl grabbed more of the alcohol as they ran out, "I thought you were kidding about the midget thing." Carla exclaimed as they ran out the door.


Carla,Carl,Avery,and Hank stood in another random house covered in plants."This one here is Mrs. Johnson's favorite. It likes to drink every day. But this one over here is a bit finicky....and only wants a little sip on the weekends." The guy said,"weekends. Got it." Hank said, writing in a small notebook.

"Now let me show you the upstairs plants." The guy who Carla assumed was Mr. Johnson said and walked upstairs. "Ew. What the hell do you want with them, nasty old Boulder holders?" Carl asked as Hank grabbed a bra."I practice opening them. Never know what kind of clasps you're gonna encounter in the dark. My motto; Be prepared." Hank explained, putting the bra in his flannel and walking upstairs.

Carl walked into the room, Hank had gotten the bra from. Then, he came out with a bra over his nonexistent chest. "Oh my god, Carl." Carla groaned as Carl shoved the bra in his pocket.

Carla sighed as she watched Carl pee in the plant. "The weekend came early." Carl said."You're disgusting." Carla laughed, looking away.

Carla watched as Avery struggled to flirt with Hank.


"Hey Ethel." Carla said, walking in the gate."Hey Carla. Where's your friend?" Ethel asked."Ditched me, for Carl and his weird friend." Carla explained, sitting on the porch step next to her."Hey." A kid around Ethel's age said,"Hey Malik, this is Carla." Ethel stood up "its nice to meet you." Malik said, shaking Carla's hand."You too. Who's this?" Carla asked, looking at the baby girl in Malik's hand."This is Tamika." Malik explained as the three walked inside.

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