45| Liver, I Hardly Know Her

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The twins walked into Sheila's house, and Sammi took them upstairs and into the room. Frank has been sleeping in. "Carl,Carla. These are the last words that will pass between you two and your father. Your chance to put everything you've ever wanted to stay to Frank into one final talk. You're gonna remember it for the rest of your life. All right,sweethearts?" Sammi whispered.

"Now,no pressure. I'll give you a moment." Sammi said. The twins just nodded at her as she walked to the side of the bed, "Daddy,how do you feel?" Sammi asked. Frank nodded slowly and whispered, "I'm ready." Sammi turned towards the twins."He said he's ready for the Lord's will." Sammi put her hand to her best.

Frank grabbed her arm to get her attention,which worked obviously,Sammi put her ear next to Frank's mouth. "I'm ready for more pills." Frank whispered. "Oh! More pills. We're out of Oxys,but I have a dealer coming with liquid Morphine." Sammi explained.

The twins rushed out of the room and downstairs,grabbing their backpacks and jackets and then running out of the door. Carla pulled her phone out and called Fiona. "Fuck." She said went Fiona did pick up. "Hey,Fiona, it's me. Call me when you get this." Carla told the voice-mail before hanging up.

"Still no Fiona?" Carl asked. "Nope. Debbie checked this morning, and last night, she violated probation." Carla said, putting her phone in her pocket.


After school, Carla walked yet again with Carl and Bonnie. "You were quite today in detention." Bonnie said. "I don't really want to talk about it." Carl said. "Okay." Bonnie said. "Our dad's dying." Carla slipped out "Oh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Bonnie asked.

"Mostly bad." Carl said. "Well,let's do something to take your mind off of it." Bonnie told them as she unzipped her backpack. "Like what?" The twins asked. Bonnie didn't reply she just threw her bag on the ground and smashed a car window. "Whoa!" The twins exclaimed simultaneously.

"This is a '99 Fird Contour. They're pretty easy." Bonnie explained as she slid over into the driver seat. "Are we stealing it?" Carl asked. "Just have to expose the ignition cylinder,cross some wires." Bonnie said. "Can you teach us?" Carla asked.

"Get in." Bonnie told them. Carla got in the backseat while Carl got in the passenger. Carla watched what Bonnie was doing while Carl just smiled and looked at Bonnie. Carla's attention moved to her twin. "You know it's not nice to stare,right?" Carla whispered.

Carl just hit her arm as Carla laughed.


The twins sat on either side of Debbie on the couch. "we called these hospitals,but they all said Fiona's not a registered patient,but if she's unconscious, they wouldn't know her name." Debbie explained. "You think she's unconscious?" Carl asked.

"No. I don't know. Just call and tell them you need to look at all the patients admitted yesterday who match Fiona's description." Debbie told them as Mandy ran downstairs."I'm late for work." She said. "I might not remember all that." Carl said.

"Well,that's why I wrote it down." Debbie gave him a paper which he just put down Carla's sweater she was wearing. "Carl!" Carla exclaimed as she wiggled around, trying to get the paper out.

Once she did, she pocketed it. "Cool,I gotta go. Bonnie's waiting." Carl said. "You really think you two can get five hospitals?" Debbie asked as Carla picked her jacket up and put it on. "She drives fast." Carla said. "I don't wanna third wheel you guys." Carla told Carl as they walked outside.

"Too bad." He said. "Nice wheels." Carla told Lip. "Yeah,it's Amanda's. You know,she's sort of my...I don't know." Lip said as the twins got into the car and speed off. "After we check these hospitals,just drop me off. I don't wanna third wheel you two." Carla said.

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