6| killer Carl and Carla

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Carla slept peacefully, snuggling next to lan as she slept in his bed again just to be woken up by him getting up carefully.

After she got ready, she ran downstairs with an old Barbie doll and gave it to Carl as he connected wires to it. "Smoothies," Debbie said, placing two smoothies down for the twins "thanks" they said as they took a drink from it. "Hello,Liam. Are you having fun?" Debbie asked Liam. Carla smacked her lips together and gave Debbie a thumbs up. "Didn't Fiona tell you two to stop electrocuting dolls?" Debbie asked."They have to pay for their sins." Carl said as Carla connected the clips of the wires to the dolls hands.

the power went out, but it wasn't from them. "Carl! Carla!" The twins heard Fiona yell from upstairs."It's not us. Hector's at the pole again." Carl called out.

The twins, along with Debbie and lan, ran after Fiona as she ran outside. "Hector." Fiona said, running over to the truck,"hey Hector. Is there any way you could? --" Fiona began to ask."I can't this time, Fiona.Third red notice this year. Im sorry." Hector said, walking towards the family."Not the first time we got shut off. Won't be the last." Debbie said. "Is there any way you could scrape the money together today?" Hector asked.

"We have it. She just forgot to pay it." Debbie explained."I took an extra shift yesterday, and I just spaced it." Fiona said,"Call my cell when you pay. I'll swing back at the end of the day." Hector said, handing Fiona a piece of paper."Thanks,Hector." Fiona said, looking at the paper as the kids went back inside the house.

"Carl,eat,don't organize,okay? After you eat them, they all end up in the same place." Fiona told Carl as she cut the crust off the sandwiches."Who was at the door?" Fiona asked Debbie,"Warren for lip. " she replied. Fiona turned around to see lan. "Don't worry about the ketchup, just the milk and meat, so it won't spoil." Fiona told him "enough hot water for at least one more shower." Steve said, walking downstairs.

Carla threw up a piece of her food and laughed as Carl caught it in his mouth. "Did the twins blow up the neighborhood again?" Steve asked."No, I forgot to pay the bill. " Fiona said disappointed "hey,happens to the best of us."Steve said, slapped her ass "not to me, okay? I'm not like this." Fiona said as she continued to make the kids' lunches for school."Like what?" Steve asked clueless,"distracted." She answered."Yeah, by what?"  Steve questioned "well you're the only new thing in the mix."

"Wait,am I actually distracting Fiona Gallagher? Really?" Steve asked teasingly. "I- hey, I will make a coffee rin after I finish." Steve told her as she got annoyed and stopped her from throwing the coffee pot. "Fine." she sighed."Okay?" Steve said,"Time for school, okay? Lip feet on the floor." Fiona clapped and yelled for lip upstairs.

The twins got up and placed their bowls in the sink. "Oh,Liam, we gotta get you onto this potty. We can take some money we spend on diapers and we can buy you candy and cars." Fiona told Liam."Ah,rewards for shitting. The good old day." Carl said sarcastically "hey let me help." Steve told Fiona "okay.cool" Fiona picked Liam up."When Liam starts holding his breath and squinting,put him on this." Fiona said, giving Steve a baby potty.

"The power boll." Steve said, holding up cash. Fiona just signed, "I'm almost living here." Steve said,"No,you're not. Lips gave me enough to pay for it yesterday. I picked up a last-minute shift at the motel and  forgot to walk it to the payment center." Fiona explained as lip walked downstairs "four hundred and thirty buck? Lip's been flush this month." Steve said, reading the bill."It's SAT season." Fiona said."He's always flushed during SAT season." Debbie joined in "SAT?" Steve asked "college test." Lan explained,"he tutors?" Steve asked.

"Uh,no,takes." Lip said as Fiona grunts."Okay,go play with your cars." Fiona told Liam as she handed him to lip."Oh,hey, I got another lead for you." Lan said,"Oh,set it up,douche. I'm taking it for someone else after school today, but uh, there's another session in two weeks." Lip explained,"All right. " lan nodded."Don't take the phone today,okay? I need it." Fiona said."I need it." Debbie stood up."For what?" Lan laughed,"cold calling for babysitting gigs. I sound more mature on the phone." Debbie explained.

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