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Carla followed Carl down the stairs as he bang his head against the wall with his football helmet on. "Carl,the team gives you one helmet... and if you break it,we can't afford to replace it." Fiona told him,"Don't matter. Season's over." Carl said,"What?" Fiona asked."His coach got arrested for exposing himself at the park." Ian explained.

"He wad peeing behind the shed,couple of 7 year old girls saw it." Debbie continued on Ian's explanation."I don't get It. Half the world had penises. Why do people get so upset about seeing them?" Carl asked "context." Ian said."What's that?" The twins said in sync. "When,how,where,and with who." Fiona explained.

"Ian,you played. You could coach." Carl said,"I can't. I gotta work after school,sorry,bud." Ian said, hitting Carl's helmet."You're going to school early?" Fiona asked."Chemistry study group." Ian said, taking the paper sack from Fiona and leaving.

"Can you coach?" Carl asked Fiona."I know nothing about football." Fiona said."It's just boys crashing into one another. Wirh pads and some... some rules, " Debbie summarized as she got up and walked out. "Ask Lip." Fiona told him."He won't do it." Carl said.

"Wake him and ask. Can't hurt." Fiona said. "Lip!" Carl yells."I could've done that." Fiona jumps while Carla laughs and eats her cereal, then hits Carl's helmet. "Upstairs,please." Fiona ordered. Carl sighs before walking upstairs.

Soon after Carl came back downstairs, "couldn't wake him." He said,"Debbie, go brush your teeth. and tell Lip that ice cubes are going down his shirt next. He's missed a week of school already." Fiona said, picking up Liam. "Morning,Gallaghers. Who likes coffee and doughnuts?" Steve came in the back door.

The twins took the doughnut box out of his hands. "All right. Double latte,two sugars." Steve read "what the fuck are you doing?" Fiona asked "we were out getting coffees. And I thought, hey, school started, why not pop by and give the kids a ride like the old days." Steve said. "No heads up so I could put pants on?" Fiona asked, putting pants on.

"I like you with no pants on." Steve smirked."Dude,your wife is stadinh right here." Fiona gritted through her teeth,"no English." Steve said excitedly. "Does she ever leave your side?" Fiona asked."Uh,bought a coffee for lip." Steve said, ignoring the question.

"Please,stop trying to make this seem normal." Fiona said as Steve tried to feed Liam a doughnut ou for Fiona to take it away from him. "Lip won't get up. Thanks for the doughnuts,Jimmy." Debbie said,"Debs,you know what, I get it. You think it's funny to call me Jimmy... but I think it's time to give it a rest." Steve... Jimmy said.

"Fat chance,jim-jam." Debbie said as her,Carla,and Carl grabbed their lunches."Yeah,yummy doughnuts,jumbo." Carla said, waving a doughnut as they walked into the living room to grab their backpacks.

"Who wants a ride to school?" Jimmy asked."I do." Debbie,Carla,and Carl all said,"Great,let's go." Jimmy said excitedly."Let's go." Jimmy told the kids as they walked outside.

"All right. Dig the helmet,Carl." Jimmy told him,"You play any ball growing up?" Carl asked."Carl,don't." Debbie told him,"Junior high. Flanker." Jimmy said."What's a flanker?" Carla asked."It's a white wide receiver." Jimmy explained. "Hey,you doing anything this afternoon?"Carl asked.

"Carl." Debbie said,"What? We need a coach." Carl told her,"for what?" Jimmy asked. "Carl's Pop Rec Warner League." Carla explained "flag?" Jimmy asked."helmet to helmet." Carl said "Fiona go to the games?" Jimmy asked again. "Never misses one." Carl smiled,"call me coach." Jimmy said,"Awesome." Carl said as they got in the car.


Carla sat on the bleachers watching Carl's football practice, then laughed when Carl tackled jimmy,clapping and cheering for him.

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