58|Drugs Actually

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Carla put some jeans on as she fixed her shirt. She tied her shoes and ran a brush through her hair, and walked downstairs. She grabbed her jacket and slipped it over her shoulders. "Everybody ready?" Fiona asked, walking inside.

"Mickey's upstairs. Lip's meeting us there,said it was easier to take the train." Debbie said. "Mickey!" Fiona called out. "I called the army base. But they won't let me talk to Ian." Carla said. "Are you ready to go on an adventure?" Fiona asked Liam.

"You ready? Let's go." Fiona said as Mickey came downstairs.  "What are we doing about Sammi?" Mickey asked. "She's here?" Fiona asked. "Mm-hmm." Mickey nodded.  "That's how you know. She drinks our soda and leaves the cap off." Debbie pointed out.

"Bitch is in the basement packing her shit right now to head upstate. Her moving crate out front." Mickey told her. "We can't let her go. For Carl's sake and Ian." Debbie said. "She has money for a moving crate?" Fiona asked as Sammi walked inside.

"Excuse me,coming through." Sammi said. "Need a little help with that?" Mickey asked. "No thanks." Sammi told Him. "Are you sure?" Mickey asked, walking closer to her. Sammi pointed a gun at Mickey. "Yes,I'm sure,you inbred hoodlum pieces of wet dog shit." Sammi said.

Fiona stepped in front of Debbie and Carla as Debbie put Liam  behind her and Carla. "But if you have something to say,go ahead. I didn't think so." Sammi said after Mickey didn't say anything. "Then excuse me while I got visit my son who,thanks to all of you,if in juvie and will probably celebrate his 14th birthday there. After that, I'll finish packing, and then in the morning,I'll be gone." Sammi said as she put the gun back in the box

"That work for you?" Sammi asked as she shoved past Mickey. "You bet." Fiona said sarcastically."Family sucks ass." Sammi said.

Carla and Debbie sat in the back of Sean's car with Laim and Mickey while Fiona sat up front next to sean.


Sean pulled up to the army base.  Hi,Fiona Gallagher here for Ian Gallagher." Fiona said. "IDs." The man said. Mickey,Fiona, and Sean all handed the man their IDs. "Charming." Sean said. "Bottom line,Sammi's a fuckin' snitch. I know people who take that shit real serious." Mickey said.

"What do you mean?" Debbie asked. "I mean,people who will slip that bitch a roofie strap her to a chair and pull her fucking teeth out." Mickey explained. Debbie scoffed. "Woah." She said. "Cool." Carla said.

"Is he serious? 'Cause I'm on parole." Sean said. "Much as I might like to,we are not torturing Sammi." Fiona said as an engine revving got closer to the car. Carla looked over and saw Lip get off an electric scooter. Fiona got out of the car. "Nice scooter." She said.

"Get back in the vehicle,now." The soldier told her. "Jesus,keep your shirt on." Fiona said as she got back in the car. "Well,thanks,Theo." Lip said as he also got in the car.

"GI Joe's not fucking around,huh?" Mickey asked. "Man's got a rifle. Just want to point that out." Sean pointed out.


"Private Ian Gallagher,enlisted as Philip Gallagher as been accused of having gone AWOL theft and sabotage of government property and falsifying a federal document specifically an application to join the US Armed Forces. The AWOL charge alone carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison. I'm staff Sergeant Nathan Kipps,investigating officer. It is my job to determine the circumstances of these crimes. Tomorrow morning,I will make a recommendation as to whether Private Gallagher will face a court-martial." Sergeant Kipps  explained.

"You decide?" Debbie asked. "Excuse me,sir,Ian is clinically bipolar. The army should not be court-martialing him. If anything, you should be helping him." Fiona said. "This diagnosis was made by a doctor?" Sergeant Kipps asked. "Yes,yes,yes,sir, and we can,un,we can get you those medical records,too." Lip said.

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