33|Frank the Plumber

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The twins sat at the table eating breakfast when Fiona came downstairs. "Hey,you got an extra one of those?" She asked."You're gonna be late."Debbie said as she threw her an eggo waffle. "Got nothing to wear. Gonna see what V has." Fiona said."Is your new job at a strip club?" Lip asked.

"Ha,ha." Fiona said sarcastically."I wasn't kidding." Lip said,"It's a temp office job. So I don't know how long the day's gonna be. I expect all of you to help jimmy with dinner,get your homework done... and avoid setting the house on fire." Fiona explained. "Overcompensating." Lip said,"she feels guilty for turning us into latchkey kids." Ian said as Fiona hit Lip and Ian on the back of the head.

"What's a latchkey kid?" Carl asked, then turned his head when the backdoor opened."Hey. I left some stuff here that I need." Mandy said as she walked upstairs. "Ia it wrong if I just leave for school?" Lip asked "later." Fiona said, leaving.

"All right." Lip sighs as he goes upstairs as well, and the rest of the siblings left for school.


"Do you know how may nerve-endings are in the foreskin of a penis?" Veronica asked "yeah I don't think there's a single guy who wishes he had more nerves down there. " Lip said,"What if our son wants to be an Transsexual? They will need that skin to make a proper vagina." V said.

"Why is that even a question?" Kevin asked."They guys brought the gift baskets,Kevin. Look at all the gift baskets. I'm saying it's a possibility." Veronica said. "What's all this?" Fiona asked."Frank told the world he's gay." Debbie explained. "And the gay world responded with chocolate and cheese." Lip added "And good wine." V said, handing Fiona a cup of wine. "Wow. Debs,school. Why didn't you go?" Fiona asked as she sat down.

"Sheila was depressed. Like Bad depressed. Monica depressed." Debbie explained. "Code pink. I'm sorry you had to deal with that." Fiona said, taking off her jacket."Is Frank really gay?" Carla asked. Fiona chuckled. "No,Carla,it's a scam. It's always some kind of a scam." Fiona told her.

"This scam tastes awesome." Carl said,"Is this dinner? Where's Jimmy? Think he's still wondering if there's any more cheese?" Fiona asked."Try the moldy one." Debbie said."I like the one with holes." Carl said,"Yeah,it's good." Carla said."Hey,put it down." Fiona said,"wipe your mouth afterward." Kevin said."Wipe your mouth." Fiona said as Veronica laughed.

Carla took a piece of cheese from carl and then went upstairs. She softly knocked on the boys' room door before entering. "Hey." She said but didn't get a response from Ian."You okay?" She sat on the end of his bed,Ian just looked at her. "Jeez. What happened?" She asked after she saw Ian's brusied face.

"Mickey happened. He's getting married to some chick he knocked up." Ian stared at the wall. "Oh. Do you like Mickey? Like, really like him?" Carla asked."I think so." Ian said. Carla crawled next to him and laied down and wiped the tears that rolled down his face and gave him a sad smile.

"I'm sorry." She whispered."It's okay,carly." Ian whispered back. The two fell asleep next to each other.

Word count:571
A/n:short chapter.

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