25|El Gran Canon

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Carla got out of the shower and changed and went downstairs. "Hey Jim." Carla said, sitting down next to Carl." Good morning, carly." Jimmy said as Fiona walked downstairs."Morning,sunshine." Jimmy said to Fiona."Why didn't you wake me up? I gotta make lunches before work." Fiona stressed.

"Already done." Jimmy explained."Carla,you want some French toast?" Jimmy asked."uh-Huh." Carla nodded as Jimmy put French toast on her plate."Lip and Ian?" Fiona asked."  already fed and gone." Jimmy explained, putting French toast on Carl's plate as well.

"Why are you eating a popsicle for breakfast?" Fiona asked."Jimmy said it was okay."Carl explained,"got your smoothie ready to go." Jimmy said."Where's Debbie?" Fiona asked "out front like always." Carla said, taking a bite of the French toast.

The twins grabbed their backpacks, and Carla grabbed both hers and Debbie's lunch as they walked outside and passed Fiona. Carla dropped Debbie's backpack and lunch onto the ground "lunch." She said as her and Carl started walking off.

"Ugh,Carly, does your mouth hurt as much as mine does?" Carl asked "yes Carl. It does that what happens when you get braces on." Carla said, kicking a rock at a random parked car.

The twins both got braces on, and  Carl had been complaining more about the pain than Carla has.

"After school tell Fiona I'm going over to Sheila's to help out with Baby Hymie." Carla told him "why?" Carl asked "because she's paying me 20 dollars for every hour I'm over." Carla explained. "Cool." Carl said as they arrived outside the school.

"I'll give you half. If you tell the teacher I'm sick in the first three periods." Carla said,"deal." The twins shook hands as Carl went to class, and Carla went to the bathroom.


After school, Carla walked over to Sheila's house. "Oh, thank you so much, sweetheart. " Sheila said when she opened the door."Of course, Sheila. You and Jody need your sleep."  Carla said, walking in the house and taking her shoes off. "You have suck a sweet soul." Jody said. "Thank you." Carla said, taking Hymie from Jody.

"Oh Shh. It's okay,baby." Carla said, bouncing Hymie to stop him from crying "you have a gift." Jody said as he watched Carla stop the baby crying "helped Fiona with Liam since I was 5." Carla explained with a small smile.

"Wow." Sheila said,"If you need you two, can sleep do whatever. I got Hymie." Carla smiled "thank you so much Carla." Sheila said patting her cheek.

A few hours later while Hymie was asleep in his crib while Carla did her homework the phone started ringing. "Hello?" She answered it,"carly, you need to check out what Lip brought home." Carl said "Carl I told you I'm babysitting." Carla said,"It's okay, sweetie. we got plenty of sleep." Sheila said, walking downstairs.

"Fine. I'll be home in 20." Carla said before hanging up. "Here you are." Jody said, putting money into Carla's hand."Can you babysit on Saturday?" Jody asked."Uh, sure." Carla said, putting her homework in her bag, then leaving.

She walked through the back door. "So what's this cool thing Lip brought home?" Carla asked."It's a miniature Mars Rover,mounting a helium-neon laser on it." Lip explained."Cool." Carla laughed as she stood next to Carl."we're gonna blow shit up with it." Carl said,"Hey,language." Fiona told him poking him in the cheek.

"Oh,hey,final notice on the property tax. Are you going down there tomorrow?" Lip asked as Ian came downstairs "later." Ian said."Where are you going?" Fiona asked, taking the bill from lip. "Study group." Ian explained then left.

Carla handed Carl half of the cash she had made today, "where'd you get that from?" Debbie asked,"babysitting Hymie for Sheila and Jody." Carla said before pocketing the rest of the cash in her jacket. "No dinner?" Fiona asked "no Jimmy." Debbie said.
"No cookies after school either." Carl added."He wasn't here when you came home from school?" Fiona asked.

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