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Carla stood beside Mickey as they,Ian,Debbie,and Liam stood on the porch and was soon joined by Frank as they looked at their new neighbors. "Hey,look. Our new neighbors came to welcome us." Terry Milkovitch said.

"Even my pansy former son and his stink-dick boyfriend." He said as he waved. "I guess the city must've made a good on their threat to condemn our old house. That or the meth lab caught fire again." Mickey said.

"Well,what are they doing here,though?" Frank asked. "Terry's been banging the lady who owns this place for couple of years. Calls it his plan B." Mickey said.

"Mrs. McCurdy? She's,like,90." Ian said. "Gotta do what you gotta do,man." Mickey shrugged. "What's that smell?" Liam asked.

"That's the stench of abject poverty,son. Sickening,isn't it?" Frank asked. "Actually,I think it might be those chickens." Debbie pointed out.

"Oh,no,those ain't chickens. Those are cocks. Like,for cockfighting?" Mickey said. "Fighting chickens?" Debbie asked. "They like it. If they don't die. It's natural for 'em. You know, it's fun." Mickey said.

"We have to move. I don't wanna be the reason for the next Black Lives Matter March. I'll get Trayvon Martin-ed for sure if we stay here." Liam said.

Gunshots went off,making almost everyone duck. "Jesus!" Debbie exclaimed. "Why is he shooting random shit?" Carla asked.

"Aw.." Mickey laughed. "He's playing I spy ,you shoot." Mickey said as everyone looked at him. "I spy,you shoot?" Ian asked.

"It's a kids' game. Yeah, kid says 'I spy with my little eye that red stop sign' or whatever, and then the adult...shoots the stop sign." Mickey explained. "Get off your fucking high horses. Anybody here fell like they're the product of good parenting,raise your hand." Mickey said.

"Okay,I don't have time for this shit. I gotta get the twins ready." Carla said,walking inside. "Yeah,I gotta get Franny ready." Debbie said,walking behind Carla but stopped.

"Where is Franny?" Debbie asked as she walked inside.


Carla sat in the passenger seat of the cop car as the dispatcher started speaking. "We got a 28-05 on Benson in front of the La Chiquita."

"What's a 28-05?" Carla asked. "Loitering." Aurora said. "Oh." Carla said. "But looks like your brother's already got it." Aurora said as she continued to drive.

The two drove around,the streets were pretty calm right now.

Kev - you're a cop now right?

Carla - yeah. Why?

Kev - we need to get rid of the milkoviches

Carla - Mickey and Sandy are milkoviches,remember.

Kev - I know, but ur a cop and can get rid of the milkoviches.

Carla - I'll think about it but cops don't scary Terry anymore

Carla sighed as she looked out the window. "What you think about,Gallagher?" Aurora asked,as she glanced at Carla.

"We got new neighbors this morning and they're my brother's husband's family and I guess my dad wants to get rid of them because they're racist and homophobic." Carla explained.

"And he wants you to get rid of them, 'cause you're a cop?" Aurora asked. Carla nodded.

Carla watched as people,trees,and bushes went past as Aurora continued to drive up and down the roads. It's been a calm day according to Carla,barely any action.

later, Aurora drove past an alleyways when Carla saw officer James and Carl standing with miss June,but Officer James was being extremely tough with miss June.

"You know her." Aurora said after seeing what Carla was looking at. "The lady in the wig,that's miss June. She use to sell,like,cigarettes to my older brother,Lip." Carla said as Aurora nodded.

Later,Aurora pulled into the police station and parked in her usual spot before the two got out. Carla walked up to her twin brother. "What was that shit with miss June?" She asked.

Carl opened the trunk to Leesie's car,which had miss June's dress and wig. "I'm gonna need your help." Carl said as the two stared at the wig and dress.

Carl grabbed miss June's stuff out of the trunk and shoved it into a bag before they left to go home.


After showing and changing, the twins walked through an alley in the dark as they walked up to Miss June,who turned around.  "i dont want no smoke, po-po, go away." She said. "Go away!" Carla opened the bag with Miss June's stuff in it and began grabbing the stuff. "Look, you can just leave me the hell alone, because ain't sellin' shit." Miss June said.

Carla walked forward and handed Miss June her things, which she took gracefully. Miss June took her hat off and replaced it with her wig. Carl stepped besides his twin as he took the bag and grabbed a box of cigarettes out of it. "You wanna keep selling, gotta move east a little bit, over by the five-star check cashing. We don't roll through there much." He handed Miss June the box. She slowly took the box before looking at the twins. "Thank you.. Officer Gallagher." She said. The twins smiled and nodded at the woman before walking away.

word count:847                                                                                                                                                                               a/n: I haven't wrote a short chapter in a while tbh. i have said it before and i will say it again, I HATE Leesie James with a passion. or is her last name Janes?? Idk

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