99|Do Right, Vote White!

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Carla sat at the table beside Carl as Liam walked downstairs. Lip chuckled at Liam's grumpy face. "No." Lip said. "I'm not feeling so good. Think I'm coming down with something." Liam said.

"Buddy,it's not happening. You're going to school. Go." Lip said.  "It's a waste of time. I'm not leaving anything. Can you just homeschool me?" Liam asked as Xan tried to pour herself coffee.

"No coffee. Milk or juice." Lip said,pointing at the drinks on the table and counter. "All the famous people are homeschooled --- Leonardo da Vinci,Abe Lincoln," Liam listed as the twins smiled at him.

"Justin Bieber." Liam finished. "I don't see you painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chaple anytime soon,Biebs. Go."  Lip said. Liam sighed as he walked upstairs.

"Hey Carl,how much longer are those dogs gonna be dying down there?" Lip asked,pouring himself coffee. "It's in God's hands now." Carl said. "Well,tell God to hurry the fuck up,all right? The whole house stinks." Carla said.

"I'm providing an essential service to below-the-poverty-line animal lovers while racking up on community service hours for my west point application. It's a win-win." Carl said as Frank walked downstairs.

"Military service is for losers." Frank said. "Spoken like a true patriot." Lip said,sipping his coffee. "And we'll be proud to protect your Constitutional right to be an asshole,Frank." Carla said.

"What's with the outfit?" Lip asked. "Got to hit the stump with Mo. Tomorrow's election day. We're fighting for the underrepresented Caucasian male." Frank said. "Think you're on the wrong side of history on this one." Lip said.

"Oh,I know Mo probably isn't gonna win." Frank said. "Probably?" Lip asked. "But democracy's about fighting for what you believe is right." Frank said.

"And rounding up as much campaign contribution cash as possible." Lip added. "Mo isn't taking money for lobbyists and corporate elited. Only small donations from the local citizenry." Frank said as the toaster dinged.

Fran caught the toast before xan could. " 'cause nobody with any sense would want to support a pedophile." Carla said,taking a sip of her coffee. "Au contraire,fruit of my loins. No less a luminary than the president of these United States supported a candidate of questionable sexual history in regard to the chasing of underage tail." Frank said,sitting down.

"Yeah,and the guy lost." Lip said,taking the toast from Frank as he stood up. "How much are you getting paid,Frank?" Carl asked. "Here you go." Lip said,handing the toast to Xan.

"I take a small stipend,as is the customer for campaign managers." Frank said,pouring him some cereal. "Might not want to wear that shirt out of the house,Frank." Ian sighed when she saw there wasn't anymore coffee left.

"Hey,you okay?" Lip asked. "Couldn't sleep. Got used to all the noise in jail. It's too quiet here." Ian said. "First time anybody's ever said that about this place." Carla said. "Hey,you meet your public defender yet?" Lip asked as Ian sat next to Carla.

"Geneva and the Gay Jesus donors got a lawyer for me. Rich queen,too much time on his hands since same-sex marriage got fixed." Ian said as Frank stood up. "All right. Hey,Xan,Liam,we got to go." Lip said as Liam walked downstairs, and Xan stood up.

"Here you go." Lip said,giving Xan and Liam their lunches. "Hey,uh,Ian,Debbie was supposed to come home last night. Franny's sleeping upstairs. Can you keep an eye on her until,uh,she gets back?" Lip asked.

"Debbie didn't come home last night?" Ian asked. "No,no,she said she was going to see a band with some friend." Lip said. "Just like her mother,ready to spread her legs for any guy with a wallet chain and a flaming skull tattoo." Frank said,sitting back down.

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