86|God Bless Her Rotting Soul

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Carl got a key to Carla's motel room and walked inside when she was asleep. "Carla, wake your ass up." Carl said. Carla slowly woke up. "Jesus,Carl." She said as she put her shirt on.

"Get your shit together." Carl said as he picked up clothes and threw them into Carla's bag. "Why?" Carla asked as she sat up. "I'm not sure what you're going through, but you gotta come home. It's not the same with you gone." Carl said as he threw the bag over his shoulder.

"Don't make me carry you out of here." Carl told her. "Fine." Carla sighed as she put her shoes on, and they left the room. Carla returned the keys as they left the motel.

The whole walk back to the Gallagher house, it was silent. Once they walked into the house, Carla sat at the table as Carl grabbed the milk from the fridge, and him and Ian started talking about the man who chased them out of Monica's storage unit.

"He seemed pretty serious to me." Carl said. "For a meth head,he ran fast." Ian said. "Fuckin' Monica fuckin' up our lives,even in death." Lip said. "Hey,shh. Don't let Fiona hear you. She'll go ballistic." Ian told him as him and Lip sat down.

"So,how scary was he?" Debbie asked. "Was he big?" Lip asked. "Was he armed?" Carla asked. "Did he know my name?" Debbie asked."You know,'cause we can be pretty fuckin' scary too if we have to." Lip said. "Agreed." Frank said.

"Meeting adjourned." Frank said as he stood up. "'Meeting adjourned'?" Ian asked. "You got some magical way to get 70 grand in meth?" Lip asked. "I do not. I simply don't wish to discuss it further." Frank said as he poured coffee. "Are you high, Frank?" Lip asked.

"High on life. High on possibility." Frank said as he sat back down. "You're the one who stirred up all this shit in the first place by robbing the storage unit." Lip said. "I keep telling you,that's the old Frank. You're talking to the new Frank. Or the young Frank. God,maybe it's not even Frank. Maybe it's Francis now." Frank said.

"If you don't figure out a way to help us out of this shit,I'm gonna take a tire iron to old Frank." Ian said. "You've been a drama queen since they day you were born,Ian. Wouldn't stop screaming until you were fully detoxed." Frank said. "This meth head doesn't know where we live. We just have to stay away from the storage unit and steer clear of the cemetery. And if he does manage to find his way here,we stick by our story. The secret of what happened to his meth lies with Monica,God bless her rotting soul." Frank said.

The floor boards creaked as Fiona walked downstairs. "Shh!" Debbie hushed everyone as everyone acted casual. "Morning." Fiona said. "Morning." Liam said. "Hey." Lip said.

Fiona put her keys and her bag on the counter. "Well,you're here early,Debs." Fiona said. "Ah,yup. Gotta go." Debbie said as she stood up. "Yeah,you know,me too." Lip said as he stood up. "Yup." Ian stood over,lastly the twins stood up.

"Looking to the future is the order of the day,kids. No worrying about old news." Frank said as the kids left the kitchen.


"This is stupid. I don't need to be tested." Carla said as her knee bounced up and down. "Yeah,well stupid or not,you still need tested." Carl said as he leaned back in his seat. The doctor came inside. "Okay,miss. Gallagher, " she said.

"You said that your mother and older brother both have bipolar disorder,correct?" The doctor asked. Carla nodded. "Well, it's hard to say, but it does look like you also have it." the doctor told her.

Carla sighed as she stood off the hospital bed. "I'm gonna prescribe you lithium,Mood stabilizer,and Quetiapine for now, and we'll see if that does anything." The doctor wrote on her prescription pad before putting the pills into a bag.

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