34|Civil Wrongs

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"How many slaves do you think George Washington had sex with?" Carl asked."Carl,eat. Now." Fiona told him."More than Lincoln,less than Jefferson." Ian said "Ian that bruise is looking better." Fiona said. "Who beat you up again?" Carl asked. "No one. It's ROTC practicing hand-to-hand." Ian lied.

"Marines still fight with their fists?" Carla asked even though she already knew who beat lan up. "In certain situations,yes." Ian sat back in his chair. "Then what's the point of building nukes if we ain't nuking anybody." Carl asked.

"Gross national product." Fiona said. "Can I use last night's chicken bones to make soup?" Debbie asked, walking downstairs."As long as they're not in the trash. Lip heat anything new about Karen?" Fiona asked."Still asleep." Debbie said,"Karen or Lip?" Fiona asked, putting her jacket on. "Both." Debbie said.

"Up and at them,yet again. Impressive." Jimmy said,"Having a job does that to me. Are you good with Liam duty today again?" Fiona asked."me and Liam are deeply bonded, bros." Jimmy laughed."Hey,can I talk to you for a second?" Jimmy asked."Uh,yeah,cool. Can you walk with me?" Fiona asked."Yep." Jimmy said.

"See you later." Fiona said as she and jimmy walked out of the kitchen. "Bye." The twins said simultaneously.

The twins got up and grabbed their backpacks, and left quickly. "Slaves whom George Washington had sex with?" Carla repeated what Carl had asked earlier."What? I'm curious." Carl said with a slight shrug. "Okay." Carla laughed as they walked down the sidewalk. "Whom?" Carl asked."I don't know. Heard Debbie say it." Carla explained also with a slight shrug.

Carl laughed, causing Carla to laugh with him. "Speaking of Debbie. Where is she?" Carla asked, looking around."Probably skipped to go see Sheila again." Carl said."Ah." Carla nodded.


Carla lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling after dinner. "Ugh. Jimmy won't buy me braces like he did for you and Carl." Debbie whined walking in the room."Why?" Carla sat up and looked at her, "my teeth are crooked." Debbie explained as she changed into her pajamas.

"They -" Carla started. "Don't say they add character. Jimmy already pulled at card." Debbie turned her head and looked at her younger sister.

The next day after school, the twins walked down the sidewalks. "Debbie wants braces." Carla said, breaking the silence."What? Really?" Carl asked."Yeah. She says that when she gets them and she realizes how much they hurt." Carla said, throwing a rock at a car, causing the alarm to go off.

"Yeah they hurt like a bitch." Carl laughed making Carla laugh as well. "You think Karen's okay?" Carla thought out loud. "I don't know. Why?" Carl asked." I'm just wondering." Carla said.

"Come on. Let's get home before it gets too late." Carl said as he dragged Carla back to their house. "Where have you two been?" Fiona, as the twins walked in the backdoor,"eh. We were just walking around." Carla explained as they sat at the table and ate dinner with their siblings

Soon after everyone got done eating, "All right. Everyone grab your jackets. Might be cold. I don't want to wait for you." Fiona told them as the siblings put their plates in the sink as Jimmy walked in."Hey." He said as the twins and Debbie pushed and shoved each other."Hey. Hungry? Spaghetti and bread. I made them leave you some." Fiona said.

The twins went into the living, followed by Debbie and Ian as they put their jackets on, then went outside and waited for Fiona and possibly Jimmy.


The Gallagher siblings cheered for Fiona as they watched her and her coworkers play softball. "Good job,Fiona!" Carla exclaimed from outside the gate.

Soon later, the Gallagher siblings went back home and got ready for bed.  "Carl,look. Remember when I made this in 1st grade?" Carla asked, holding up a piece of paper that said 'nuber one fan' poorly wrote on it and gave it to Carl."Yeah. It was for one of my little league games." Carl smiled at the paper."Keep it." Carla said as she walked out and into her own room and fell asleep smiling.

Word count:721
A/n:another short chapter

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