24| Fiona Interrupted

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The twins fell asleep on the car ride home, Ian picked up Carl while kevin picked up Carla and took them into the house and upstairs into their rooms. Kevin softly wiped the tears that rolled down Carla's cheek as he tucked her into bed. "Good night, Carla." Kevin whispered."Night kev." Carla muttered in her sleep as she turned over. A small smile tugged on Kevin's mouth as he quietly shut the door and walked downstairs.

Carla woke up. "Fiona?" She whispered."Come in." Fiona told her as she walked in and saw Debbie crying, which broke her heart. Carla sat next to Fiona and let out a few sobs as she saw Carl.  He sat down next to Carla, and Fiona wrapped her arm around the two of them as her other hand rested on Debbie's head.

Carla held Carl's hand while she cried, "It's okay. It's okay." Fiona whispered."It's gonna be okay. She." Fiona reassured the crying girls.


Carla woke up in Fiona's bed next to Carl,Debbie,and jimmy after Jimmy tried carefully to get up. "Go back to sleep." Jimmy whispered very quietly as he got up. She turned over and fell back asleep with her arm over Carl's stomach and her head on his arm.

The twins sleepily walked downstairs. "Hey,Carl, hey Carla. You sleep okay?"  Fiona asked."What do you think?" Carl asked. Carla rubbed her puffy eyes and sat next to Liam. "Hi,baby." Carla said as she kissed Liam's head. "You hungry?" Fiona asked."Let me make you a sandwich." Fiona said."Okay." The twins said simultaneously.

"Disability check doesn't come for another week, Frank." She told him as she got the bread." He went to visit your mother in the hospital this morning. And we have to get her out of there." He said,"Best place for her." Fiona said."She's fragile." Frank said.

"She's broken." Fiona told him."They want to make her normal." Frank continued."They wanna help her." Fiona corrected him. "By which they mean average boring medicated. A stepford Monica." Frank said."She tried to kill herself last night. Broinh would be a blessing?" Fiona asked as Carl sat next to Carla.

"They perform lobotomies now." Frank continued talking."No,they did." Fiona said,"shock treatment." . "No." . "I think they do. Princess Leia did it." V joined in. "One hundred thousand volts of electricity zapped into her skull. Draws so much power that it takes out entire city blocks. When our lights dim,some poor fucker's getting his brains fired." Frank explained, as Fiona handed the twins their sandwiches and V poured them some juice.

"Don't listen to him. Eat your breakfast." Fiona told the twins."What's a lobotomy?" Carl asked."They jam a screwdriver into your head,scramble your brains." Frank explained."No,they don't. Jesus,frank." Fiona said.

"Yeah,they do." Frank argued."They're gonna put mom on her meds,make her make her better." Fiona explained. "She's not better on her meds. She's a zombie.  She gives up everything she loves in life. " Frank said,"Yeah,like what? Drugs,alcohol,you?" Fiona asked. "us." Frank said. The kitchen went quiet as the twins ate their breakfast.

"I'm gonna bust her out before they steal what makes Monica,Monica. Are you with me?" Frank asked,"Leave her alone, Frank. She needs a chance to get well." Fiona told her father."Somebody can steal what makes you,you?" Carla asked."No." Fiona shook her head.

"Carl? Carla?" Frank pointed at the two."They're not helping you either." Fiona denied. "Can I bring my mac10 pistol ?" Carl asked,"Leave thme out of this pistol's going back to the cops." Fiona told Frank then carl. "Where's your sister?" Frank asked the twins "shower." They said together.

"Leave Debbie alone, Frank." Fiona told him as he walked upstairs."No." He said before disappearing upstairs. "Monica will be better when she comes out of the hospital." Veronica reassured the twins. "I passed." Fiona read the letter.

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