48|Milk of the Gods

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Carla stood next to Carl as they watched construction people tear down a building, and everyone else was cheering and clapping. "Why are they tearing it down?" Debbie asked once she stopped next to them on her bike. "Asbestos." Carl said.

"All right, I'm leaving. I've seen enough." Debbie said. "Wait,give me a ride home on the back of that thing." Carl stopped her. "Can't.  I got to run an errand and then  go to school." Debbie told him. "I'm not." The twins said simultaneously. "It's the last day. You have to go." Debbie said.

"Why? So we can figure out how to flunk sixth grade again. Yeah, we'll do that next year." Carla said. "Come on,just give me a ride."  Carl said. "You can't even fit on my bike with that giant gimp leg." Debbie pointed to Carl's broken leg.

"These crutches are killing my wrists. I can't even jack off that well." Carl said. "Should've thought about that before you busted up your ankle on your stupid skateboard. See you." Debbie said before riding away.

"At least I didn't brake my ankle." Carla said, waving around her broken wrist."Shut up, you can't even write." Carl said. "Write what? Homework that we don't have?" Carla said sarcastically as they started walking.

The twins walked down the sidewalk when they saw a man help and much older man out of a wheelchair. Carl obviously got an idea, so he hopped on his crutches faster to get to the unsupervised wheelchair. Carla followed behind him. They found a way where both of them could get on it.

They made it back to the Gallagher house, and Carla hopped off the electric wheelchair. "Debs,Carl,Carla,what's going on?" Lip asked as he walked up to the gate. "I hate you stupid bitches!" Debbie gritted through her teeth as she stabbed a barbie doll in the face.

"Well,how was your last day of school,Debs? Anything you wanna talk about?" Lip asked. "No." Debbie said, not stopping stabbing the barbie doll. "Yo,Fuckward." A guy said walking up to Lip.

"Hey, what's going on, stumpy?" Lip asked."I got some new piercings." Stumpy said."Yeah,I can see that." Lip said. "And I picked up some herb for our guys you want to come?" Stumpy asked.

"Eh... yeah,sure,look,I'm just gonna be over there if you need anything,okay?" Lip told the kids in the front yard as he and Stumpy walked across the street.

Carla laughed as Carl failed to get up the ramp made out of wood, and she sat on the steps below Debbie just to the side since she did want to get stabbed.


The Gallagher siblings clinked their cups together as they sat in paty's pies where Fiona works "to summer" the Gallagher siblings said. "And to Lip's first year of college.  May you all follow in his footsteps." Fiona said smacking this twins' heads. "To Lip." Everyone said.

"Yes, thank you,guys." Lip said. "Frank."Fiona said, getting his attention. "To Lip." Fiona said, opening a beer bottle. "You sure you should be drinking,Frank?" Lip asked. "You think a brand-new untainted liver gonna stop him?" Fiona asked.

"After extensive research and weeks of testing, I've determined my liver can support one beer a day. I am now a cheap date. I'm buzzing already like an anemic ten-year-old girl." Frank said. "Who's ready for pie?" Fiona asked.

"I want to taste cherry pie." Carl said. "Oh! Me too." Carla said. "Any more of that Salisbury steak?" Frank asked. "Yeah,if I pay for it." Fiona said. "Tell you what,get me an order,and we'll call it even." Frank told her. "Call what even?" Lip asked.

"Her trying to kill my son with cocaine." Frank said. "Douche bag,why would you say that? Why are you even here,Frank?" Lip asked. "Just don't. I'll just get him some more." Fiona said stopping the argument that was tending to happen.

"To go. I got to get back to work." Frank told her. "I don't want any pie." Debbie said, Stirring her drink with the straw. "What's going on with you? First, you're stabbing dolls in the face,now you're all mopey?" Lip asked.

"Holly and Ellie aren't talking to me anymore. It's like I'm invisible." Debbie explained."I hate it when teenage skanks do that." Fiona said."What do you mean?" Debbie asked. "Same thing happened to me with Heidi Mitchell and Donna Alexander." Fiona said.

"Me too. Leah March and Jean Kolb." A waitress named Jackie said. "Really? Why?" Debbie asked. "Who knows? Jealousy,periody. Two weeks later, they started talking to me again like nothing ever happened." Jackie said. "Same with Heidi and Donna." Fiona said.

"It's not fair. They don't get to do that. I'm never being friends with Holly and Ellie again. Screw those bitches." Debbie said. "Yeah,screw those bitches." Fiona said rasing her cup. "Sounds like you're having fun here." A man said, walking up to the family.

"Hi." Fiona greeted him. "Hey." He said. "What's up,man." Ian said. "Hey,Sean." Debbie said. "Good pie,dude." Carl said. "Super good pie." Carla said, licking the cherry filling off her lips. "Well,I'm glad two you like it. You Lip?" Sean asked.

"Yeah,yeah,nice to meet you." Lip said spanking Sean's hand. "Thanks for giving this one a job." Lip said, pointing to Fiona. "Oh,my pleasure." Sean said. "It's so good of you to hire a felon." Frank said, joining the conversation.

"This is my father,Frank." Fiona said. "Hey,Frank." Sean said, nodding his head. "Salisbury steak miss Fiona?" A waiter said. "Right here." Frank said, holding his hand out. "That about explain everything?" Fiona asked.

"Pretty much. I got some paperwork in the back. It was good to see you all. Nice to meet you,lip." Sean told everyone. "Yeah,nice to meet you." Lip said as Sean walked away. "What was that little squeeze?" Lip asked.

"What?" Fiona asked. "He just squeezed your arm." Lip said. "The two of them are like that all day with each other." Jackie said, joining in. "We are not." Fiona denied. "Bathroom." Ian said getting up and walking away.

"Hey,he ever go see that doctor?" Lip asked. "Nah,he refuses." Fiona said. "We should talk to Mickey." Lip told her.


Carla sat on her bed with her legs crossed over another as she scrolled through Facebook. "Carla,pool party." Debbie said quickly. Carla shot off the bed, changed into her swimsuit, and followed Debbie outside.

Carla watched as Carl got on Fiona's back,and she got on Sean's as they played chicken fight. "All right,Carl,get him!" Fiona exclaimed. "Get her!" Fiona exclaimed. "Take him down." Sean said. "Go get him,carly,get him!" Lip shouted from the porch.

"All you must die!" Carla exclaimed as she pushed Carl off of Fiona's back and fell off of Sean's back as well. Everyone started laughing when she came back to the surface, and she high-fived Sean.

"Oh,yeah,now. " Sean said as Fiona smashed him. "You guys are cheaters." Fiona exclaimed. "Look who's a sore sport." Sean told her. Carla turned around, and Sean's son,Will, and smiled at him, which she got a smile in return.

"You got room for one more?" Ian asked. "Ian!" Everyone shouted. "I got your text." Ian said. "Where's Mickey?" Debbie asked. "I wore him out." Ian said. "All right,come on,it's our turn in the pool." Lip said.

"Let's go, will,are you ready?" Lip asked Sean's son. "Go,Liam,go." Veronica exclaimed excitedly. As the boys got into the pool, everyone splashed around and laughed, and overall, having a good time in the summer night.

"Hey,shut up down there!" Someone yelled. "Oh,you shut up! It's summer!" Fiona yelled back. Lip stopped Carla, and Ian stopped Carl as the twins tried to drown each other but not stop laughing.

Word count:1389
A/n: Okay, so,idk how old Sean's son is, so let's say that he's the twins' age and he's gonna be a small love intres for Carla till the part where he leaves with his mom. I need to add more to the story. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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