5|three boys

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"Lunch! Eat it or miss it, people." Fiona called from downstairs. The twins push each other down the stairs like they do every time they want to race downstairs. "What more piss food?" Lip asked."You know it, " Fiona answered. " All right." Lip look through the cabinets for plates "Cup-a-lasagna anyone?" Lip asked."Right here?" Ian said."Who was on dishes today?" Fiona asked, looking at the sink full of dishes."Uh,I'll get them after lunch."

Carla and Carl sat at the kitchen counter as everyone sat at the table "hey Debs?" Veronica said, walking in the kitchen."You ready to go to Target?" V asked "Oh,yeah sure." Debbie stood up."What's that smell? It's either vomit or fancy cheese." V said,"It can be both if you want. " Carl said, making Carla laugh."Target?" Fiona asked her best friend."Debs is gonna help me register for wedding gifs." V explained,"thought the wedding was off." Fiona said."Back on."

"Kev know?" Fiona asked, pushing the twins apart and giving them separate bowls for food. "Mh-hm." V hummed and took a bite of the Lasagna. Carl threw food at Ian. "Hey." Lip said, turning around."Damn. Tell that girl I will crap on a paper plate for her if it gets me some of this grub." V said.


"Wedding's not gonna work." Carla heard V say walking in the back door."What happened?" Fiona asked, "Mama wants a real priest." V explained."Shelia said she'd made your wedding dress if you want." Debbie said, putting out bread "Oh that's nice,but what good is the dress I'd I don't have a priest?" V asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "You could hire an actor. Remember the guy who played Elmo at my birthday party?"

"You remember that?" Fiona asked."He took his head off. It was traumatizing." Debbie said,"Think an actor could work?" Fiona asked V."I can probably get Father Pete to do it if the twins help." Lip said, walking in the kitchen."What's it gonna cost me?" V asked "uh,Karen and I use your place Friday night?" Lip asked "done." V said with a smile. "Father Pete? The groper?"Fiona asked."God willing." Lip said as Carl walked in. "We got hot dogs?" Lip asked."Mm,no hot dogs." Fiona said. Carla leaned over the counter and opened the microwave as Carl put a plastic bottle with fish in it.

She closed it, and Carl started it. The two looked at everyone who was staring at them. "What?" They said in sync,nobody said anything.


"Why do we have to do it?" Carla asked her older brothers as they walked through a crunch."You two are the only ones young enough to be an altar boy and girl." Lip explained to the two 9 year Olds."we'll stop him before anything goes down." Lan said,"or anyone, " Lip joked, making both of them laugh.

Lan knocked on the door, "the Gallaghers boys. And girl." Father Pete said, looking at them standing up."If you're here to steal the offering basket,you're out of luck. Already of to the bank." he walked closer, "no,the twins here are interested in being an altar boy and girl." Ian said, taking off their hats and rubbing Carl's head."That's a big responsibility." Father Pete said, looking at the twins.

"Yeah,we know, we tried talking them out of it. But they cried and cried,so we thought we'd bring them in. See if you thought they had what it takes." Lip said, putting his hands on the twins' shoulders. Father Pete crouched down in front of the twins. "Hello there,Carl and Carla." He said. The twins just gave a fake smile. "Be back for you in a bit," Lip said and patted Carl's shoulder before they left.

Father Pete let the twins walk all the way in the room,Carla gripped Carl's hand tightly as he shut the door.

Father Pete walked behind Carla, slightly touching her butt "hey!" She yelled. Carl grabbed something random and hit him in the balls, making him grunt loudly. The two older brothers came rushing in to see Carla standing behind Carl as whatever he hit Father Pete with swung back and forth, as Carl had a grin on his face. "Heh. Looks like we have a priest for V's wedding." Lip said as Pete groaned.

Ian picked up Carla and put her on his shoulders as lip did the same with Carl as they walked out of the church. "So why'd you hit him, Carl?" Lip asked. "He touched Carla's butt." he said."Shit. Nice work. " Lip laughed, putting his hand up, giving Carl a high-five as they walked down the dark sidewalk. "Here, I gotta go meet up with Kash." Ian said, taking Carla off his shoulders and putting her in lip's arms, then ran off.


The next day,Carla followed Lip and Carl to see what V,kev,Fiona,and Debbie were doing, "it's always gotta be about him. You should be in a nut house!" Veronica yelled as they walked into an alley."What's going on?" Lip asked."Veronica's brother is locked himself in the bathroom, threatening to burn the place down." Fiona explained."Cool." They twins said together, laughing.

"He's saying that he's gonna light both the dress and the shit-sack house on fire." Debbie said from on top of the ladder, looking in the window. She looked down. "What's a shit-sack?" Debbie asked."Get down." Fiona told her as she climbed down the ladder, then Lip,the twins,and Debbie walked into the house as Fiona went into kev and V's house

Later that day, Fiona helped Carla put on a blue dress that matched her twin brother's button-down shirt for 'the wedding.' Fiona smiled at her youngest sister.'You look beautiful car." Fiona said, tucking a piece of hair behind her eat "You're gonna be a fucking Heartbreakers when you get older." Fiona joked and laughed with Carla. "Thanks, Fi." Carla had a smile grin on her face at her sisters heartbreak comment as Fiona put a jacket over Carla's dress.

The Gallaghers went down to the Alibi for Veronica's and Kevin's fake wedding. The twins sat on the bar stools as the priest started to speak, "May daily problems never cause you undue anxiety,nor the desire of earthly possessions dominate you lives. But may your heart's first desire be always the good things... waiting,for you in the life of heaven. Amen. " Father Pete said,"Amen!" Everyone said,"You may kiss the bride." Father Pete told the couple."woo-hoo!" Fiona  exclaimed excitedly as everyone clapped.

Carl took a video of Lip and Karen kissing as Carla just laughed. "Get it out!" Lip pushed him away. The twins took turns recording people dance very poorly.  "Go, Liam! Go, Liam! Go, Liam!" Everyone chanted as Liam danced.

Frank threw a glass at the window, making everybody turn to him as the music stopped "Uh...folks let's face facts. When it comes to good things, most of the come in pairs. Like your favorite jeans,new socks,and Kevin and Veronica." Frank said, pointed at the couple,"and as it turns out, most people's testicles. So here's to the happy couple. Kevin and Veronica,may you always only have two testicles between you. L'chaim!" Frank exclaimed as everyone cheered.

The twins laughed as they poorly danced to the high beat song, then laughed at other people who poorly danced to a slow song as they sat on the countertop.

"Okay,Gallaghers, you're the only family I got, so let's put this on film," Kevin said as he set up a camera. The Gallaghers gathered around each other the twins on each of lan's legs, smiling for the photo. The first photo was a fail, so they took more. A lot more. "Wait, where's lip?" Fiona asked, realizing her brother wasn't there.

Word count:1340
A/n:spamming chapters rn sorry.

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