126| Slaughter

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"Mommy." Is what Carla woke up to. "Mommy." Emma whispered again. "Mo—" Emma went to shout. "Emma,I'm awake." Carla said as she sat up. Emma smiled at her mother. "Jeez,em,the sun's not even up yet." Carla picked her phone up and looked at the time.

"Dude come on,it 5 in the morning." Carla said as she picked Emma up and brought her into Emma's and Mateo's room,where Mateo was practically on the floor sleeping.

"Go to sleep." Carla whispered as she put Mateo back on his bed and covered him up. "Sleep. Now." Carla said as she shut the door. "Sorry,babe." She said as she rubbed David's cheek.

"Emma still not sleeping?" David asked as he laid beside Carla. "No. Basic toddler." Carla said. The two laid there when David started kissing up Carla's arm. "I just need to find a way to get Emma to sleep all night." Carla said.

"Mhm." David hummed as he pressed soft kisses on Carla's jaw,making Carla chuckle. "You're not listening are you?" She said in between kisses.

"Uh-uh." David hummed as he pulled Carla on top of his lap. Right before the kiss could go any further, Emma snuck in. "Hm—Jesus Emma." Carla said when she saw her daughter's Brunette hair as she got off David,making him groan.

"Wake up time?" Emma shrugged. Carla sighed as she checked the time again. "Yes." She got off the bed. "Go brush your teeth while I get your brother." Emma rushed into the bathroom.

"Hey,buddy." Carla said as she woke up Mateo. "Come on, let's go brush our teeth." She said as she carried Mateo to the bathroom and brush her teeth as Mateo brush his.

David soon joined and brush his teeth as well. Carla got the twins dressed before got dressed herself. "Here,put those down the laundry chute." Carla said as she twins giggled as they pushed the clothes down the chute.

"Okay,I gotta go to work. Uh,David, remember the twins have to go to preschool in an hour. Please don't forget their masks their teacher said they can't afford another lock down. Love you." Carla said as she gave David a kiss then kissed the twins' heads before walking downstairs as Carl walked downstairs.

"And here's another one. Damn if the boys in this family don't love wearing costumes." Sandy teased. Carla chuckled as she poured herself coffee. "Can I just shoot her already?" Carl asked.

"Well,you better make sure it's fatal. Come at the king,you'd best not miss." Sandy said. "Yeah,don't you worry. Two to the chest,one to the head,just like they tough us in the academy." Carl explained.

Sandy scoffed. "All right. Well,I gotta run. You guys have fun today." She said as she picked up a bag that sat on the back of the chair. "You,too." Debbie said.

"Bye,Franny." Sandy said as she opened the back door. "Y'all been served!" Franny exclaimed. "Oh!" Sandy chuckled as she left and Liam walked downstairs.

"The milkoviches are killing me." Liam said. "Jeez,you look terrible. You even sleep?" Carla asked,sipping on her coffee. "I can't sleep. They throw shit at my window all night." Liam said.

"Ugh. I'm sorry." Debbie said as she put the milk and orange juice back in the fridge. "And that stupid racist dog. They trained it to bark my name." Liam stressed.

"He's not barking your name." Carl furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't worry about it. You'll have the whole house to yourself today. Just take a nap." Debbie told him.

"Wait. You're leaving me here by myself?" Liam asked. "Sorry,dude. Me and Carl gotta work." Carla said. "You'll be fine. Just go back to sleep." Debbie said as Carl and Carla walked out of the kitchen.


Carla sat in the passenger seat of Aurora's car,like always,when she pulled over. "W-what are you doing?" Carla asked confused. "Switch me." Aurora said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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