66|Pimp's Paradise

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Carla woke up to Frank and Queenie moaning. "Jesus fuck." She said as she got off her bed and walked out the her room as Ian walked out of the bathroom with Liam and Carl walked out of his room.

Ian covered Liam's ears as he walked into a different room. Carl called someone on his phone. "Yo,Pedro,I want that delivery here in an hour. If not,somebody gonna get docked." Carl said as he hung up.

Carla walked downstairs as the moaning got louder she quickly made breakfast since Fiona was still at Sean's house. Frank and Queenie came downstairs and took some breakfast.

"Breakfast,my offspring! Who wants to join Papa and Queenie for some morning fuel?" Frank called up the stairs. "Mmm... Cleans your insides,Frankie. Smells like you wouldn't know colon cleanse if it ran right through your cute little rectum." Queenie said as both her and Frank laughed.

"Thank you,my confederate Queen. The rest of these ingrates could care less about the state of my colon. But not you." Frank said. Carla rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her coffee. "Well,you're the king of your castle,Frankie. Don't let those young'uns forget who's papa." Queenie told him.

"I'm glad someone finally recognizes that." Frank said. "And you're still a sexy fucker." Queenie said making Carla physically gag. "I've got a brand-new liver. I'm as good as 18 again." Frank informed. "Uh,hell of a stud you were at that age. You could do things with your tongue that would make a rattlesnake blush. Whoo!" Queenie exclaimed.

"And suddenly,I'm not hungry." Carla said, pushing her plate away. "Best sexual Era of my life. The Southside was never so bright as the day you crossed the Mason-Dixon line and came into my lions." Frank said causing Queenie to laugh.

"And now," Frank started as he wrapped his arms around Queenie. "It's 18-year-old dèjà vu all over again." Frank said. "Oh,just temporary,Frankie. The grandson's probation papers should be coming through in the next three days,and then it is back to the Eco Village for chuckie and me." Queenie said as she sat down at the table.

"That's nonsense. What do they got in a farm we don't have here?" Frank asked. "Eco-conscius living. Everything is solar-powered. Working out there as an herbalist." Queenie smiled. "An herbalist?" Frank asked.

"Yeah,organic farming. It's not like all this urban wastelan rhst you have here. I finally found my calling,Frankie. Helping and healing people. That's what I do." Queenie explained. "You can't leave now. We're having too much fun! What's a King without a Queenie by his side?" Frank asked.

"Now,them's the rules of free love,Frankie."Queenie kissed Frank on his cheek. "Mama is a rollin' stone. Now,drink up." She told Frank.

Carla stood up and walked into the living room as Fiona and Sean came inside. "Uh,excuse me,what the hell are you doing?" Fiona asked. "Who are you?" A man asked. "This is my house." Fiona said.

"The owner approved everything." The man said. "The owner?" Fiona asked, looking at Carla. "Mr.Gallagher." The man told her. Fiona sighs as she walks into the kitchen. "Frank,you ordered all this stuff?" She asked.

"Wong Mr. Gallagher. Your younger brother's responsible for all of these improvements." Frank said. "Carl?" Fiona asked. "Only one around here, I see making an honest living." Frank said.

"I need someone to sign this liquor shipment." The man said. "That would be me,sir. What's a father for,if not to help his son acquire life's liquid pleasures?" Frank said as he signed the paper. There was metal clanking coming from upstairs, causing Fiona and Carla to run up the steps.

"Uh,what are you doing in my room?" Fiona asked Ian. "Shit. Thought you moved out." Ian said. "Well,I didn't." Fiona said. "Carl kicked me out, and yours was empty. The couch is still free." Ian said.

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