103|The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Alibi

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Carla and David walked into the Gallagher house after leaving the hospital. They now new the genders of the twins' babies. Carla didn't want a gender reveal, so they had the doctor just tell them. Like Carla and Carl,she was having a boy and a girl.

Carla stepped over Frank,who laid asleep on the kitchen floor and poured David some coffee. "Here." She handed the mug to David. Frank woke up and walked out of the kitchen and upstairs.

David wrapped his arm around Carla's waist and rested his head on her shoulder. "You ready for twins?" David asked as he kissed Carla's cheek before sitting down.

"Eh. Kinda." Carla shrugged as Debbie walked downstairs. Soon,Kelly and Carl walked inside. "Hey. Nice,thanks for getting breakfast." Debbie said as Kelly set a bag on the counter.

"If i was at softball camp right now, I'd be running laps. Suckers." Kelly mentioned. "What are you guys up to today?" Debbie asked as she passed the bag to Carla. "Oh,you know,same old,same old. Junk food,binge,junk food,nap." Carl said as Carla handed him the bag.

"Uh,run through the sprinkler. Work on my essay." Carl continued. "Still watching Dexter?" Carla asked. "Nah,I finished it. Now we're on friends." Kelly said as she handed David the bag. "Nice,what's next?" Debbie asked. "On to G. Gilmore Girls. I'm living the dream." Kelly said.

"Knock knock." ingrid said,knocking on the door and then walking inside. "Hey." Debbie said. "Hi. Morning." Ingrid said as Frank came downstairs. "Hello,beautiful." He said as he kissed Ingrid.

"Okay,let's go." Frank said. "Where are you going?" Kelly asked. "Uh,don't know. Ingrid?" Frank asked. "It's a surprise." Ingrid smiled. "I love surprises!" Frank exclaimed as the two left the kitchen. "Liam was one." Frank added as they walked out of the house.

"Where's my Egg McMuffin?" Debbie asked. "Frank." Kelly said. "Ugh." Debbie groaned as the power went out. "What the hell?" Debbie asked as she flipped the light switch. "Fuck." She mumbled as she walked out the backdoor.

The twins looked at each other before following Debbie outside. "We're the only ones without power." Debbie said. "We forget to pay the bills?" Carla asked. "I don't know. Fiona pays them. I'll call her." Debbie said as she pulled her phone out and dialed Fiona's number.

After a couple of rings,but Fiona didn't pick up.


Carl dragged Carla to help him steal scooters,but Kelly told her not to help since she was pregnant, so Carla sat on the back of the truck with Kelly as Carl put the scooters in back. "Now all we gotta do is wait." Carl said. "Can't believe nobody's ever thought of this." Kelly commented.

"Yeah,you know,if these people can afford to pay for yoga,they can afford to pay me to rent a scooter." Carl said as he put the last scooter in the back of the truck then sat next to Carla.

"Uh..excuse me,um...I think you have my scooter in the back of your truck." A woman said. "Your scooter? Nah,these are public scooters." Carla said. "We gotta share 'em." Carl added.

"Yeah,you're not sharing them. You're hogging them." The woman mentioned. "Well,I'm happy to rent you one. Ten bucks." Carl told the woman. "What? No,i—that...that's extortion." The Burnette said.

"Technically, it's racketeering,but sure." Kelly interfered. "Okay. I'll call Better Businesses Bureau." The woman said. "Okay. Whatever the fuck that is." Carl said. "Come on. We need these to go get a boba. And I,for one,am not walking." The woman said,getting frustrated.

"Yeah,we're going to get boba." The man standing beside the Burnette said. "Well,maybe if you took a walk every once in a while,you wouldn't have to spend 25 bucks on yoga." Carla said.

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