92|The Fugees

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Carla walked downstairs behind Carl and Kassidi. "Fiona,you dog's been barking all fuckin' night." Carl said while Carla looked at Kassidi's phone screen seeing it was recording. "Wasn't Rusty. He was with me at the apartment." Fiona said.

"This is where we first made Ramen noodles together." Kassidi said as she showed the kitchen. "What's with the... documentary?" Fiona asked. "Oh,I'm making a video scrapbook for my boo before he goes AWOL on me." Kassidi said.

"Kassidi's having some separation anxiety with me leaving to go back to the academy in a couple weeks. She wants to make sure I remember the goods I got back at home." Carl said.

"This is where you first went down on me." Kassidi said as Carla poured herself some coffee. "She's crazy about me."Carl said. "Mm-hmm sure she is." Carla said sarcastically. "Shut up." Carl glared at his sister as Lip walked downstairs.

"Oh,place is trying into the fuckin" super 8." Lip said looking at Kassidi. "Yeah,that's why I've been sleeping at my building." Fiona said while Carla sat next to Liam as the table. "What,you haven't rented that apartment yet?" Lip asked.

"No,I will. Just... too many folks crashing here right now." Fiona said as a dog barks. "Hey,we get another dog?" Lip asked. "That's Toto. He's tied up outside." Debbie said. "The fuck's a Toto?" Lip asked.

"Belongs to the hipster couple up the street. Got a job dog sitting." Debbie explained as Ian walked downstairs. "Like 101 Dalmatians up in here." Carl said,smiling at Kassidi, who laughed softly and the dog barked again.

"Yeah,Toto sounds pissed,Debs." Lip said as he sat down in front of Carla. "Yeah,he gets barky sometimes. I can't figure out why. But they pay 50 bucks a day,and I need money for welding school tuition." Debbie said.

"Mornin'." Ian said. "Morning." Fiona said as Ian sat down next to Carla. "You and,uh,Trev boning again?" Lip asked. "Definitely turning a corner." Ian said. Carla watched in disgust as Kassidi licked Carl's neck behind his ear as Fiona followed her gaze.

"Everybody's boning somebody but me?" Fiona asked. "We don't call it boning." Carl said. "It's uniting our souls." Kassidi said. "Duran and I call it 'besties with benefits.'." Debbie said.

"Does a hickey count?" Liam asked, making Fiona scoff."I hope you're all double-bagging. This place is already too crowded." Fiona said. "Burn this into your mind." Kassidi said as she put a piece of pancake in her mouth and had Carl take it with his mouth. (A/n:idk how to explain it. just watched the episode.)

Debbie groaned as Kassidi laughed softly and kissed Carl. Carla stood up and walked out the backdoor.


Carla walked down the sidewalks, seeing couples hold hands,kiss,etc, as they walked together and a hint of jealousy appeared in her stomach. Carla sighed heavily as she skipped a rock around.

As she walked, her head hung low, focusing on the rolling rock, not paying attention to her surroundings when a group of men ran into her, causing her to fall backward onto the ground.

"Fucking bitches." Carla said to herself when a person walked up to her. "Are you okay?" The person asked as Carla looked up at him. "Yeah." Carla nodded as the guy helped her stand up.

Carla examined the guy's appearance;his curly dark brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes,his caramel skin that glowed in the sunlight. "Thanks." Carla said. "Of course." The guy smiled, showing his dimples on both cheeks.

Carla smiled back, and then the guy walked away from her. (A/n: idk how to make people meet nor how to make an argument)

Carla walked down the sidewalk more and stopped in front of the Alibi when she saw Carl and Kassidi walk in. Carla walked next to Carl. "I'm gonna go get us some cokes." Carl told Kassidi, who wasn't listening and was on the phone.

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